Message from @Until_Valhalla
Discord ID: 668664503579181066
Honestly I hate it at campbell always some gay shit going on
But that’s a topic for <#659316379307999242>
Because this is a medical channel
Yep. Rgr
I would assume if someone is in this chat they won’t be attending tomorrow. Because if ur attending and not already on comms discipline ur a fool
Story posted in off topic
I'll post my bag in a minute
It's cold af outside
wrong chat for that bro <#662514847308841001>
unless you are asking if we think you got torsion or something
Lose the tampons. That is a myth they don’t work. Get roll gauze and pack
Or quickclot z folds
Top left and far right top package.
It’s better than tampons
Is the back clear to seen it?
It’s basically cheesecloth like material but 3in wide and like 13 ft long. U just start using one finger and push it in with gentle but moderate force til it’s full. Then use the additional to cover the wound and then apply a pressure dressing or quick clot sponge
That’s only in the event of a deep torso puncture tho.
I think I have some of that. Only one or 2 tho
Ur basically filling the hole made by whatever so that it’s not a continuous bleed and will seal. It’s still gonna have to be removed by a surgeon or actual medical professional and be treated
Should you use quick clot first?
I can’t answer that with confidence because we are talking about gunshot trauma and I usually fill holes from tree branches
We need @Itcilis
Yep my knowledge hit an edge and I’m not gonna spout bs that could kill someone
For a cut or grazing wound I would say yes then cover the wound. Basically if it’s not a hole u stick ur finger in but more of a piece missing off the edge from a kinda hit kinda miss.
But a hole idk if it would cause more trauma to put the clotting agent in then the gauze or if u do it the other way around
Just got on site what’s up
Alright for combat here’s how it is.
Check out FAK pics I posted. Need pointers on an budget
With a gunshot. If u have clotting agent and roll gauze do u pour the agent in first then pack or pack then cover with agent