Message from @MulberryMojo
Discord ID: 667943916116377681
But I think this fits:
Have you boys taken up the art of “canning?”
I think I’d like to give it a whirl and was curious to see if anyone you boys had experience in it
Like canned food?
Oil filters?
Canned food
You and the kinks man
I’m not one to judge. I’m into some weird shit
Everyone is
What a man and his rifle wife do is nobody's business
I mean like canning vegetables and the like
I have canned food
I used to have a garden and canned food
What veggies did you go for?
Also pickled food
Like cost effective (most bang for your buck)
In terms of the gardening as well
I did a lot peas, corn, tomatoes and beans
LOTS of tomatoes
Pickled a lot of cucumbers
My parents can hella food, it is really nice to have at any time. And obviously is SHTF, nice to have
peaches are great
I had so many tomatoes and cucumbers growing one year that I was literally giving them away
making saurkraut and pickles
done alot of that
Peaches require a tree
true @Jedimind11[XB1]
Ok so the basics are the go to
Cucumbers and tomatoes. And green beans. Will probably my go to.
Beans are nice, okra is nice to have too but it’s better to grow
Potatoes are stupid easy to grow
And you can trade them with Irish men to get them to be your ally
If you ever have some people over and have left over broth for gravy, make the gravy and throw it in a glass jar and store it in the freezer that lasts forever
As an irishman I can confirm
I grew some potatoes in an extra paint bucket from The Home Depot, tasted fine to me and my parents
How many potatoes did you get from the bucket
Food is almost as necessary as bullets. Growing food isn’t a guarantee. Store food
It was a clean bucket and we got about 10 small-medium
45 lbs of rice is a food safe bucket with Milar bags
It’s easier to get food by means of bullets than get bullets by means of food sometimes