Message from @Jedimind11[XB1]

Discord ID: 667943349465907210

2020-01-18 03:43:47 UTC  


2020-01-18 03:43:51 UTC  

@MrBlack when one has children to worry about you worry a lot

2020-01-18 03:44:52 UTC  

And the thing is that kids these days are so brainwashed and desensitized that they would have no problem drone striking our asses. Acting like its Call of Duty.

2020-01-18 03:45:35 UTC  

Imagine all the little Kyles raging out and dropping their entire payload on an unsuspecting home.

2020-01-18 03:49:13 UTC  

Yeah, unless they just said fuck it and go full retard and consider the public as the enemy.

2020-01-18 03:49:18 UTC  

Definitely in urban, but in rural? They might not is my worry

2020-01-18 03:49:49 UTC  

I wonder if those emergency blankets can sheild you from flir

2020-01-18 03:50:30 UTC  

Not if they use little brown shirts who think we are all racist/ nazis.

2020-01-18 03:50:41 UTC  

Look at 1930s Germany.

2020-01-18 03:50:52 UTC  

Soooo wildfire?

2020-01-18 03:54:00 UTC  

But then they'd still have your general vicinity or direction

2020-01-18 03:54:20 UTC  

I'm just gonna stay the fuck away from drones and choppers with flir.

2020-01-18 03:54:32 UTC  

Hidey holes in your AO

2020-01-18 04:05:32 UTC  

Dont know about droney bois but I can pick out targets with a flir pretty well.

2020-01-18 04:05:54 UTC  

Unconventional “gear chat” topic

2020-01-18 04:05:59 UTC  

But I think this fits:

2020-01-18 04:06:14 UTC  

Have you boys taken up the art of “canning?”

2020-01-18 04:06:33 UTC  

I think I’d like to give it a whirl and was curious to see if anyone you boys had experience in it

2020-01-18 04:06:58 UTC  

Like canned food?

2020-01-18 04:07:13 UTC  

Oil filters?

2020-01-18 04:08:24 UTC  

Canned food

2020-01-18 04:08:29 UTC  

You and the kinks man

2020-01-18 04:08:46 UTC  

I’m not one to judge. I’m into some weird shit

2020-01-18 04:09:02 UTC  

Everyone is

2020-01-18 04:09:03 UTC  

What a man and his rifle wife do is nobody's business

2020-01-18 04:09:05 UTC  

I mean like canning vegetables and the like

2020-01-18 04:09:07 UTC  

I have canned food

2020-01-18 04:09:18 UTC  

I used to have a garden and canned food

2020-01-18 04:09:30 UTC  

What veggies did you go for?

2020-01-18 04:09:33 UTC  

Also pickled food

2020-01-18 04:09:44 UTC  

Like cost effective (most bang for your buck)

2020-01-18 04:09:52 UTC  

In terms of the gardening as well

2020-01-18 04:10:18 UTC  

I did a lot peas, corn, tomatoes and beans

2020-01-18 04:10:26 UTC  

LOTS of tomatoes

2020-01-18 04:10:34 UTC  

Pickled a lot of cucumbers

2020-01-18 04:10:39 UTC  

My parents can hella food, it is really nice to have at any time. And obviously is SHTF, nice to have

2020-01-18 04:10:44 UTC  

peaches are great

2020-01-18 04:10:55 UTC  

I had so many tomatoes and cucumbers growing one year that I was literally giving them away

2020-01-18 04:10:58 UTC  

making saurkraut and pickles

2020-01-18 04:11:01 UTC  

done alot of that

2020-01-18 04:11:38 UTC  

Peaches require a tree