Message from @Fartfignewton
Discord ID: 663952165584371713
So my roommate taught my girlfriend how to play magic the gathering
Guess I'm spending 50$ on cards today per her request
I told her it's like heroin but on paper.
I’ve always wanted to get into it but none of my friends played it
It's an addiction that will swallow your income
Y tho
Not a problem for me
They are expensive to buy
Well If you want to, go for it
But it's brutal
I think I will
Lol expensive
I gave up on it though
Nobody plays
Now I just paint the models I have left
They have a new one but it’s not the same
It's totally different
Age of sigmar
It's pretty lame
Yeah I got into warhammer through 40k mostly so it’s not too big a deal for me
Wasnt really a fan of 40k
I'm glad they made the warhammer total war games
Fite me
I just never got into playing 40k
But I do like the lore actually
I’m waiting for an RPG set in 40k
As long as you don’t like Xenos
You hear about the 40k tv show?
Eisenhorn and I’m ready
Yes to answer your question
Cool haha
You know what channel or service its gonna be on?