Message from @Boojahideen
Discord ID: 663938933708816405
No it’s just a generally shitty route. It’s not measured properly because you know we’re “deployed”.
We took the ACFT before we left
One guy failed and he normally gets at 13:00 minute 2 mile
I’ve been training for it
Hardest part will be the sprint drag carry
In my opinion
It 100% is
Sprint drag carry sucks bad
Not looking forward to it. So I’ve been doing leg day 2 days a week just to get ready
It will definitely help.
So my roommate taught my girlfriend how to play magic the gathering
Guess I'm spending 50$ on cards today per her request
I told her it's like heroin but on paper.
I’ve always wanted to get into it but none of my friends played it
It's an addiction that will swallow your income
Y tho
Not a problem for me
Well If you want to, go for it
But it's brutal
I think I will
Lol expensive
I gave up on it though
Nobody plays
Plus they ended the fantasy line
Now I just paint the models I have left
They have a new one but it’s not the same
It's totally different
Age of sigmar
It's pretty lame
Yeah I got into warhammer through 40k mostly so it’s not too big a deal for me
Wasnt really a fan of 40k
I'm glad they made the warhammer total war games