Message from @Until_Valhalla
Discord ID: 668667405819707392
I have spent way to much on my first AR
Coworker bought during the Obama hype..... $1500 bushmaster lol
I got a over 2k in one rifle. Then I got married.
Oh fuck
From a company KE Arms
I’ve got almost 5k rounds thru my rifle in 4 years........
I’ll post the link in <#659926751673188372>
I need more ammo
we all need more ammo
Luckygunner had good deals
Then suddenly shipping to va doubled 🙄
Me too but I’ve got this addiction that every time I buy 1k I’m like well shit if SHTF I don’t wanna carry that much ammo anyways and I go shoot 500. Then I go to the range one or two more times and I’m out and the whole damn thing starts over
That's my problem
So when shit pops off, what channel will have info?
For those of you who had a problem with mr black, May I remind you this community welcomes all points of views. Me and him had a discussion and I see no reason why he can’t come back. Don’t be a snowflake.
I mean unless he’s a pedo, racist or anti 2A how bad could it have been
I only have a problem with one of those things 😈
Well I welcome anti 2A also. Check out <#659316532689633280>
The reason I welcome all members is because we could learn from then just as much as they can learn from us in a **friendly** debate in <#666957916611280896>
We could very well persuade someone who’s anti 2A to become pro 2A. We’re all adults. As long as everyone stays civil then it’s fine.
Also, if you abuse rule 14 just because you don’t like someone, administrative action will be taken.
And welcome @patcon2142 @UrToasterIsMuted @ITSPEE
Ok I can roll with that. Still put holes in pedos....
Oh yes pedos deserve a bullet to the head
Did you see that John Grisham debacle?
Yeah he was talking about the cases of guys getting sent to prison for having child porn on their computers and was trying to claim it was just because they got drunk and accidently clicked the wrong thing.
Yeah no
Watcha downloading
Lol right. I feel like the downloads can be traced to see over what period of time they occurred.
Yeah plus most of these guys didn't just accidently download something and then go, oh shit and delete it. Most of them have huge files full of shit
I know I don't say much, but prayers for tomorrow in VA. To whoever is attending, stay safe