Message from @MrBlack

Discord ID: 660213093410013236

2019-12-27 19:20:05 UTC  

What do you think about the UN's agenda 2030?

2019-12-27 19:20:16 UTC  

People are saying they want us disarmed by then

2019-12-27 19:26:19 UTC  

If they reach their goal I better be 6 feet under

2019-12-27 19:29:24 UTC  

Well since its not a thing...

2019-12-27 19:29:49 UTC  

2030 isn't a thing?

2019-12-27 19:30:03 UTC  

The whole UN conspiricy.

2019-12-27 19:59:46 UTC  

While agenda 21 is a real thing the insane conspiracy stuff behind it is a joke and only idiots fall for it.

2019-12-27 20:04:38 UTC  

If it's true the UN has no interest in occupying the US I guess it's nothing to worry about either then lol

2019-12-27 20:05:39 UTC  

Nah, the whole UN NWO, agenda 21 garbage is just lies to manipulate the stupid. Sad thing about the firearms demographic is that they are really dumb and easy to manipulate.

2019-12-27 20:06:22 UTC  

That's really any demographic though. Let's be fair

2019-12-27 20:07:16 UTC  

Meh....not really. Its super easy to manipulate the stupids in this demographic. That's why we had such a mess in NY a few weeks ago.

2019-12-27 20:07:51 UTC  

Well the firearm industry is fueled with fear

2019-12-27 20:08:02 UTC  


2019-12-27 20:08:12 UTC  

I'm not saying it isnt, I'm saying every large group is going to have a lot of people on the back side of the bell curve when it comes to idiots.

2019-12-27 20:08:36 UTC  

Indeed it is, which is neither healthy nor sustainable.

2019-12-27 20:10:06 UTC  

Had an AD3 in my last squadron who was a flat earther... they're everywhere and they're multiplying

2019-12-27 20:10:17 UTC  

Well the difference is that if you try to pander to lets say; mechanics, and you are doing it to try to cover up your own criminal misdeeds. You are not gonna get far.

On the other hand its extremely easy for the criminal element to manipulate the fringe gun demographic to come to their aid and support.

2019-12-27 20:10:47 UTC  

I never saw the relevance if the earth were flat or not

2019-12-27 20:10:54 UTC  

Doesn't change what's going on now

2019-12-27 20:11:04 UTC  

Anti vaxxers...

2019-12-27 20:11:07 UTC  

I am not saying there aren't stupid people everywhere, its just that stupid and dangerous doesn't mix well.

2019-12-27 20:12:34 UTC  

Yeah but if you pander to Anti-vaxxers you just get a lot of really stupid uneducated protesting the sale of Diahydroginmonoxide(water).

Pander to the lunatics with guns...and you get people shooting up walmarts.

2019-12-27 20:13:01 UTC  

Well you also get plague outbreaks.

2019-12-27 20:13:48 UTC  

That too. Which is why we have to declare public health crisis and make people stop being stupid.

2019-12-27 20:14:26 UTC  

I agree stupid and dangerous doesnt mix. And I'm the last person that wants to fight and even more uphill battle because stupid people did something stupid with a gun

2019-12-27 20:15:34 UTC  

Indeed, however there are a lot of dumb wannabes out their who want to live out their rambo(who was the villian) fantasies and that just back fires on us. We need to police ourselves better if we don't want the government doing it.

2019-12-27 20:15:41 UTC  

I just dont like playing into the talking points for reasons we shouldn't have guns.

2019-12-27 20:16:01 UTC  

It's up to us to police our own and call out the idiots

2019-12-27 20:16:25 UTC  

Lol we typed the same thing

2019-12-27 20:18:16 UTC  

And that is the problem. People don't want to do that, mainly because its not an easy solution. And the idiots don't want it done because they want to hang on to their fantasies.
I have seen combat, its not fun and I can't understand how anyone especially people with no experience and no real training think that its fun idea.

2019-12-27 20:19:20 UTC  

People actually think combat is fun are ignorant about it

2019-12-27 20:19:34 UTC  

All fun and games until you get a bullet in your neck

2019-12-27 20:19:50 UTC  

Everyone wants to be a badass

2019-12-27 20:20:34 UTC  

Well most of that is because they are losers and think that in a shake up of society they can be the badass fantasy they have in their heads, not aware that they would still be just as big a loser then.

2019-12-27 20:21:37 UTC  

If you feel you got nothing to lose I guess combat wouldn't be scary to those people. But hey I'm just a civie so I guess I'm not qualified to answer that

2019-12-27 20:21:39 UTC  

You don't even have to get to the shooting part. Carrying and wearing gear 24/7 is a pain in the ass. Then you have the stress of having to constantly be on edge and on the look out. You are always tired, hungry wet and hot or cold.

2019-12-27 20:22:31 UTC  

And those little hotspots that you can get and blister up. Not so cool if you can’t keep it clean and it gets infected and you die

2019-12-27 20:23:06 UTC  

Although I have read and heard of some people who do miss combat who fought

2019-12-27 20:23:25 UTC  

Hell there was a soldier who fought in different armies around WW2 to vietnam just to keep fighting

2019-12-27 20:23:41 UTC  

Legit moved to the US just to fight in vietnam

2019-12-27 20:24:19 UTC  

@Killerratchet that is true, you do grow accustomed to it. And when you aren't doing it you get what is called the "itch" and long for it. Then when you get back to it, you remember how much it sucks and just want to go home again. Its a fucked up cycle.