Message from @wickedempire1
Discord ID: 663233223765131276
The skipper of the McCain that had a collision over a year ago
The skipper was asleep and told the officer on watch to wake him if anything happened
Still comical to me that soldiers on a base aren't equipped to deal with threats like shooters lol
The OOD had a situation come up, didn't call the skipper, the situation turned into a collision and the skipper almost died
He was pinned in the wreckage
The Navy tried to court martial him for murder
The skipper that is
The only thing left on the pre-boog checklist is to get rid of the electoral college
nah, electoral college is the only thing keeping California and New York from deciding every election
That’s what I mean if they get rid of it the rest of the country will snap
oh you mean like that would be the straw that breaks the camels back?
got it
Probably could’ve phrased it better but yeah
China's president also said us having guns is a problem that needs to change....
I take a criticism from China as a compliment
Yeah, I can't think of a better endorsement
My boy Donald trump is one hood ass nigga
What a mothafuckin G
Report: Iran MP threatens attack on White House: 'We can attack the White House itself..."
Look at this joke
I doubt it
Just so long as we don't forget that a cave dweller was able to hit NY and the Pentagon... Which up until that point was a severely laughable notion.
This is an official Iranian response not from some cave dweller
The security measures we had back then were outdated to the upgraded defenses we have now
We should be worried about the Cyber abilities
America's state cyber security is laughable
It is
And it won't be Iran doing it. It'll be the Chinese, Russians, and Iranians
US govt cannot hire the required talent
This ^
Because nobody with those talents wants to work for the state
Fuck em