Message from @Fartfignewton

Discord ID: 662864321113489418

2020-01-04 03:42:05 UTC  

Still requires approval from base co

2020-01-04 03:42:05 UTC  

No but if it’s true I definitely will

2020-01-04 03:42:09 UTC  

There it is.

2020-01-04 03:42:13 UTC  

Which wont fucking happen ever

2020-01-04 03:42:17 UTC  


2020-01-04 03:43:04 UTC  

Officers that make it to the O5 and O6 level are some of the most risk adverse people I've ever met

2020-01-04 03:43:32 UTC  

lol if only it didn't

2020-01-04 03:43:42 UTC  

At least on the Navy side

2020-01-04 03:43:48 UTC  

I know my base CO would never approve it

2020-01-04 03:44:05 UTC  

Navy policy is to basically draw and quarter any CO that has anything happen in their command

2020-01-04 03:44:09 UTC  

Probably afraid someone would schwack him for some dumb order.

2020-01-04 03:44:24 UTC  

It'd suck if someone decided to shoot up your army base

2020-01-04 03:44:30 UTC  

And uh if your CO happened to be in the fire

2020-01-04 03:45:02 UTC  

The thing is, if someone wants to shoot up the base, they dont need permission to carry their gun onto the base

2020-01-04 03:45:10 UTC  


2020-01-04 03:45:11 UTC  


2020-01-04 03:45:17 UTC  

That's what I was meaning

2020-01-04 03:45:21 UTC  


2020-01-04 03:45:39 UTC  

For real I totally didn’t bring my gun on base by accident lol

2020-01-04 03:45:49 UTC  

The skipper of the McCain that had a collision over a year ago

2020-01-04 03:46:09 UTC  

The skipper was asleep and told the officer on watch to wake him if anything happened

2020-01-04 03:46:20 UTC  

Still comical to me that soldiers on a base aren't equipped to deal with threats like shooters lol

2020-01-04 03:46:46 UTC  

The OOD had a situation come up, didn't call the skipper, the situation turned into a collision and the skipper almost died

2020-01-04 03:46:56 UTC  

He was pinned in the wreckage

2020-01-04 03:47:29 UTC  

The Navy tried to court martial him for murder

2020-01-04 03:47:35 UTC  

The skipper that is

2020-01-05 03:26:45 UTC  


2020-01-05 03:27:32 UTC  

The only thing left on the pre-boog checklist is to get rid of the electoral college

2020-01-05 03:28:32 UTC  

nah, electoral college is the only thing keeping California and New York from deciding every election

2020-01-05 03:28:56 UTC  

That’s what I mean if they get rid of it the rest of the country will snap

2020-01-05 03:29:21 UTC  

oh you mean like that would be the straw that breaks the camels back?

2020-01-05 03:29:28 UTC  


2020-01-05 03:29:32 UTC  

got it

2020-01-05 03:29:43 UTC  

Probably could’ve phrased it better but yeah

2020-01-05 04:00:36 UTC  

China's president also said us having guns is a problem that needs to change....

2020-01-05 04:01:15 UTC  

I take a criticism from China as a compliment

2020-01-05 04:01:49 UTC  

Yeah, I can't think of a better endorsement

2020-01-05 04:12:37 UTC  

My boy Donald trump is one hood ass nigga