Message from @Reeeeevolution_needed
Discord ID: 443554724239638549
@Deleted User Marxism > National 'Bolshevism'.
north korea is nazbol
juche for white people
marx was a retard
>marx was a retard
How are you even a nazbol?
German NazBol>Russian NazBol
and Volksgemeinschaft
literally no one likes you
no one loves you
I am kaur here for the memes
This is degeneracy
i am going to turn you into my trap
nazbol is peak degeneracy
Even pol is more organized than this
And pol is chaos
What's pol?
Where the neets go
@Advocatus Diaboli A right wing shithole website
oh ok
The sad part is I used to be a fascist
Das kapital?
Except our economies have changed
at least this might be the first time "Commie-Nazi" could actually be used to identify someone's political beliefs
All you need to read is SIEGE by James Mason @Deleted User
@Reeeeevolution_needed Marx's critique of the capitalist mode of production is just as relevant today as when it was written. This is a fact.