Message from @Rock
Discord ID: 421719002486800384
Hecc they even get sworn in by doing the Roman salute I believe
Yeah, the Syrian army does the Roman salute as their thing.
Hitting the capital today with a staple gun an
Hitting the capital today
Sry for spam shit is slow
You are fine
A Staple gun and faith are my tools in this line of work my comrades.
Ditto except I use spray glue
Makes it even harder for the commies to remove
Its not like flexible paper and i mean i could plaster em on their car windows at night when there having cross dress night down at the ave lmfao, but yea i was gonna staple em on the power line wood poles.
Glue is more fun
It pisses them off even more
Glue for flatter surfaces and ill beat their asses if i catch em touching em while im out, i legit walk with a brief case where i hold the fliers etc also with a hammer in the front pocket, fags wont even know what ill bring to a fight if they plan on jumping.
Welp the more you know
God and nation
B-But you live in Michigan you fuckin Yankee
And that’s only ONE rebel cross that I have.
I have five flags on my wall
That’s a 6’ x 10’ boi right there
Plus I have the 3 National flags of the confederacy
I need to get on that flag game
I have my battle flag, Norway, Ireland, TWP, and the IE flag I stole at Charlottesville
@Rock i call Cultural Appropriation, i am offended.
Do swazi Texas flags exist
Probably somewhere
I have: old South Africa, Rhodesia, Christianity, some custom imperial German flag, the German imperial battle flag, the German imperial flag one with an iron cross as well, three rebel crosses, army of northern Virginia square flag, all three rebel National flags, Serbia, Austria-Hungary, the identitarian flag, US navy, Michigan, Italian Social Republic, Francoist Spain, Prussia, Louisiana-Rebel hybrid flag, SS, NSDAP, 2 Kriegsmarine, Hitler youth, pan slav flag, Betsy Ross, POW MIA, UK, UK navy, cross of burgundy.
I may have missed some flags
Oh yeah and some Soviet flag I ripped down a couple weeks ago
I dunno what to do with the commie flag yet, might use it as a doormat
And a sweet ass clock
Flag game is over 9000