Message from @Rock
Discord ID: 421711802561200138
Which server
@FashyGoy1488 History and Politics, some random UP type server
Send me discord invite?
What’s with the swastika in the pic?
>not pro assad
B-but Assad is a Ba'athist, the closest still living incarnation to NATSOC
Why is there a Swastika?
Ba'athism literally means Pan-Arabic Social Nationalism.
W o k e
A Ba'athist society seeks enlightenment, renaissance of Arab culture, values and society. It supports the creation of one-party states and rejects political pluralism in an unspecified length of time – the Ba'ath party theoretically uses an unspecified amount of time to develop an enlightened Arabic society. Ba'athism is based on principles of Arab nationalism, pan-Arabism, Arab socialism
A Ba'athist state supports socialist economics to a varying degree and supports public ownership over the heights of the economy, but opposes the confiscation of private property. Socialism in Ba'athist ideology does not mean state socialism or economic equality, but modernisation and Ba'athists believe that socialism is the only way to develop an Arab society which is truly free and united.
The two Ba'athist states which have existed (Iraq and Syria) forbade criticism of their ideology through authoritarian governance.
Protect Syria
Cyprian Blamires claims that "Ba'athism may have been a Middle Eastern variant of fascism, According to him, the Ba'ath movement shared several characteristics with the European fascist movements such as "the attempt to synthesize radical, illiberal nationalism and non-Marxist socialism, a romantic, mythopoetic, and elitist 'revolutionary' vision, the desire both to create a 'new man' and to restore past greatness, a centralised authoritarian party divided into 'right-wing' and 'left-wing' factions and so forth; several close associates later admitted that Aflaq had been directly inspired by certain fascist and Nazi theorists".
Zyklon Ben strikes again
>Trying to have legitimate discussion on political ideology and the direction of the party above >*Some spicy memes which keep cutting me off*
Can we just admit that Assad is our guy
Hecc they even get sworn in by doing the Roman salute I believe
Yeah, the Syrian army does the Roman salute as their thing.
Hitting the capital today
Sry for spam shit is slow
You are fine
A Staple gun and faith are my tools in this line of work my comrades.
Ditto except I use spray glue
Makes it even harder for the commies to remove
Its not like flexible paper and i mean i could plaster em on their car windows at night when there having cross dress night down at the ave lmfao, but yea i was gonna staple em on the power line wood poles.
Glue is more fun
It pisses them off even more
Glue for flatter surfaces and ill beat their asses if i catch em touching em while im out, i legit walk with a brief case where i hold the fliers etc also with a hammer in the front pocket, fags wont even know what ill bring to a fight if they plan on jumping.