Message from @Larry Skywalker

Discord ID: 450097946327777290

2018-05-27 00:45:24 UTC  


2018-05-27 00:45:28 UTC  

Donald trump doesnt kill commies or imprison them unless they go to jail.

2018-05-27 00:45:32 UTC  

the great wich hunt of the 60´s

2018-05-27 00:45:40 UTC  


2018-05-27 00:45:46 UTC  

im not talking about Trump

2018-05-27 00:46:00 UTC  

Donald Trumbo is a diferent person

2018-05-27 00:46:01 UTC  

The red scare did happen but it wasnt putting them in labor camps. And it wasnt a bigger degree. Nor is it happening anymore. That was only America too I believe.

2018-05-27 00:46:10 UTC  

Oh trumbo, you're not memeing

2018-05-27 00:46:22 UTC  

it was puting them im jails

2018-05-27 00:46:27 UTC  

imagine being dumb

2018-05-27 00:46:32 UTC  

wich had forced labour facilities

2018-05-27 00:46:38 UTC  

also Philippines currently

2018-05-27 00:46:41 UTC  

south korea

2018-05-27 00:46:45 UTC  

dude, there were a lot of ppl jailed for "anti-american activities" during red scare

2018-05-27 00:46:51 UTC  

how is that dfifferent than gulag?

2018-05-27 00:47:09 UTC  

No he didnt

2018-05-27 00:47:16 UTC  

by the way if you don't know slavery is legal in US as punishment for crimes

2018-05-27 00:48:09 UTC  

Its not.

2018-05-27 00:48:26 UTC  

its in the constitoooshun

2018-05-27 00:48:30 UTC  

South korea dont have forced labour camps.

2018-05-27 00:48:32 UTC  

*Rand Paul voice*

2018-05-27 00:48:36 UTC  


2018-05-27 00:48:51 UTC  

hang on let me pull up my Amendments

2018-05-27 00:48:56 UTC  


2018-05-27 00:49:07 UTC  

oh yeah

2018-05-27 00:49:08 UTC  

13th Amendment

2018-05-27 00:49:26 UTC  

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction

2018-05-27 00:49:29 UTC  

Hmmm it's funny when the guy from Ireland thinks he knows more about the Constitution then the American

2018-05-27 00:49:33 UTC  


2018-05-27 00:50:36 UTC  

i mean

2018-05-27 00:50:41 UTC  

i think he is confused

2018-05-27 00:50:56 UTC  

you shoukd read about socialism and commnunism

2018-05-27 00:51:07 UTC  

and about the other systems 2

2018-05-27 00:51:10 UTC  

He doesn't "read dumb commie books"

2018-05-27 00:51:17 UTC  

|The Thirteenth Amendment (Amendment XIII) to the United States Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. In Congress, it was passed by the Senate on April 8, 1864, and by the House on January 31, 1865. The amendment was ratified by the required number of states on December 6, 1865. On December 18, 1865, Secretary of State William H. Seward proclaimed its adoption. |

2018-05-27 00:51:30 UTC  

He is a Peterson fan so that explains his delusion

2018-05-27 00:51:34 UTC  

I dont think I know more about the constitution, nice strawman.

2018-05-27 00:51:44 UTC  

I dont read commie books btw.

2018-05-27 00:51:45 UTC  


2018-05-27 00:51:48 UTC  

@Mr. X NO i just posted the full text of the amendment above!

2018-05-27 00:51:49 UTC  

I told you it was in the law