Message from @buyXRBpls

Discord ID: 450098922493313046

2018-05-27 00:50:36 UTC  

i mean

2018-05-27 00:50:41 UTC  

i think he is confused

2018-05-27 00:50:56 UTC  

you shoukd read about socialism and commnunism

2018-05-27 00:51:07 UTC  

and about the other systems 2

2018-05-27 00:51:10 UTC  

He doesn't "read dumb commie books"

2018-05-27 00:51:17 UTC  

|The Thirteenth Amendment (Amendment XIII) to the United States Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. In Congress, it was passed by the Senate on April 8, 1864, and by the House on January 31, 1865. The amendment was ratified by the required number of states on December 6, 1865. On December 18, 1865, Secretary of State William H. Seward proclaimed its adoption. |

2018-05-27 00:51:30 UTC  

He is a Peterson fan so that explains his delusion

2018-05-27 00:51:34 UTC  

I dont think I know more about the constitution, nice strawman.

2018-05-27 00:51:44 UTC  

I dont read commie books btw.

2018-05-27 00:51:45 UTC  


2018-05-27 00:51:48 UTC  

@Mr. X NO i just posted the full text of the amendment above!

2018-05-27 00:51:49 UTC  

I told you it was in the law

2018-05-27 00:51:52 UTC  

And you said

2018-05-27 00:51:54 UTC  


2018-05-27 00:51:56 UTC  
2018-05-27 00:51:59 UTC  

it literally says you can enslave as punishment for crime

2018-05-27 00:52:03 UTC  

Which means you think you know more

2018-05-27 00:52:18 UTC  

thats literally the same thing as Gulag

2018-05-27 00:52:20 UTC  

Yet why dont I hear of criminals being slaves much over there?

2018-05-27 00:52:21 UTC  


2018-05-27 00:52:25 UTC  

He's going to try to get around it

2018-05-27 00:52:33 UTC  

Because it is legal

2018-05-27 00:52:49 UTC  

so we said it was legal

2018-05-27 00:53:00 UTC  

And now he is like "u uhh I don't hear about it"

2018-05-27 00:53:06 UTC  

all of these Gulag bullshit is a giant campaing of anti comunist propaganda

2018-05-27 00:53:11 UTC  

You didn't even know it was a thing how would you hear about it

2018-05-27 00:53:33 UTC  

Radical Republicans led by Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner and Pennsylvania Representative Thaddeus Stevens sought a more expansive version of the amendment.[16] On February 8, 1864, Sumner submitted a constitutional amendment stating:

All persons are equal before the law, so that no person can hold another as a slave; and the Congress shall have power to make all laws necessary and proper to carry this declaration into effect everywhere in the United States

2018-05-27 00:53:59 UTC  

Are you dumb

2018-05-27 00:54:07 UTC  

That's what it says dude.

2018-05-27 00:54:16 UTC  

What are you trying to prove

2018-05-27 00:54:38 UTC  

"Sumner tried to promote his own more expansive wording by circumventing the Trumbull-controlled Judiciary Committee, but failed.[19] On February 10, the Senate Judiciary Committee presented the Senate with an amendment proposal based on drafts of Ashley, Wilson and Henderson.[20][21]

The Committee's version used text from the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which stipulates, "There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said territory, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes whereof the party shall have been duly convicted."[22][23]:1786 Though using Henderson's proposed amendment as the basis for its new draft, the Judiciary Committee removed language that would have allowed a constitutional amendment to be adopted with only a majority vote in each House of Congress and ratification by two-thirds of the states (instead of two-thirds and three-fourths, respectively).[24]"

2018-05-27 00:55:18 UTC  

I can copy paste too

2018-05-27 00:55:27 UTC  

Use your own words so I know what you are trying to say

2018-05-27 00:55:44 UTC  


2018-05-27 00:55:44 UTC  

"The Senate passed the amendment on April 8, 1864, by a vote of 38 to 6; two Democrats, Reverdy Johnson of Maryland and James Nesmith of Oregon voted "aye." However, just over two months later on June 15, the House failed to do so, with 93 in favor and 65 against, thirteen votes short of the two-thirds vote needed for passage; the vote split largely along party lines, with Republicans supporting and Democrats opposing.[25] In the 1864 presidential race, former Free Soil Party candidate John C. Frémont threatened a third-party run opposing Lincoln, this time on a platform endorsing an anti-slavery amendment. The Republican Party platform had, as yet, failed to include a similar plank, though Lincoln endorsed the amendment in a letter accepting his nomination.[26][27] Fremont withdrew from the race on September 22, 1864 and endorsed Lincoln.[28]"

2018-05-27 00:55:47 UTC  

i dont know

2018-05-27 00:55:49 UTC  

This is very interesting.

2018-05-27 00:56:00 UTC  

He's talking to himself

2018-05-27 00:56:01 UTC  

we are walking in circles right now

2018-05-27 00:56:03 UTC  

Oh my...

2018-05-27 00:56:19 UTC  

i think ill just smoke a joint and play ck2