Message from @Erika.ϟϟ🇮🇪

Discord ID: 450294276686086154

2018-05-27 13:41:51 UTC  

Chris handsome

2018-05-27 13:41:54 UTC  


2018-05-27 13:43:21 UTC  

But yeah the commies apparently made me go more further right in the political spectrum.

2018-05-27 13:43:32 UTC  


2018-05-27 13:43:33 UTC  

We gotta go back marty

2018-05-27 13:44:16 UTC  

Im kidding, Im still an annoying centrist

2018-05-27 13:44:21 UTC  
2018-05-27 13:44:26 UTC  
2018-05-27 13:44:36 UTC  

you should bring back the blueshirts

2018-05-27 13:45:00 UTC  

but this time don't be a bunch of traitors

2018-05-27 13:46:31 UTC  

To promote the reunification of Ireland.
To oppose Communism and alien control and influence in national affairs and to uphold Christian principles in every sphere of public activity.
To promote and maintain social order.
To make organised and disciplined voluntary public service a permanent and accepted feature of our political life and to lead the youth of Ireland in a movement of constructive national action.
To promote of co-ordinated national organisations of employers and employed, which with the aid of judicial tribunals, will effectively prevent strikes and lock-outs and harmoniously compose industrial influences.
To cooperate with the official agencies of the state for the solution of such pressing social problems as the provision of useful and economic public employment for those whom private enterprise cannot absorb.
To secure the creation of a representative national statutory organisation of farmers, with rights and status sufficient to secure the safeguarding of agricultural interests, in all revisions of agricultural and political policy.
To expose and prevent corruption and victimisation in national and local administration.
To awaken throughout the country a spirit of combination, discipline, zeal and patriotic realism which will put the state in a position to serve the people efficiently in the economic and social spheres.

2018-05-27 13:46:54 UTC  

Sounds good.

2018-05-27 13:47:20 UTC  

didn't need to write a novel

2018-05-27 13:47:35 UTC  

Copied and pasted it

2018-05-27 13:47:40 UTC  

Im not that fast of a typer

2018-05-27 13:47:47 UTC  

from where?

2018-05-27 13:48:05 UTC  

Wikipedia probably

2018-05-27 13:48:20 UTC  

But yes Im right leaning but Im a centrist. So I believe in some liberal views and a little more conservative views.

2018-05-27 13:48:27 UTC  

Yeah wikipedia

2018-05-27 13:48:41 UTC  

this documantry is prety good

2018-05-27 13:48:50 UTC  


2018-05-27 13:48:53 UTC

2018-05-27 13:48:57 UTC

2018-05-27 13:49:08 UTC  

absolutely disgusting

2018-05-27 13:49:13 UTC  


2018-05-27 13:49:18 UTC  

Gonna watch it

2018-05-27 13:49:22 UTC  


2018-05-27 13:49:58 UTC  

Im 95% capitalist 5% not capitalist or communist

2018-05-27 13:50:16 UTC  

wtf the political spectrum isnt 2d

2018-05-27 13:50:36 UTC  

use this

2018-05-27 13:50:46 UTC  


2018-05-27 13:50:58 UTC  

This was my last political compass test

2018-05-27 13:51:10 UTC  

Somehow becoming more of a commie

2018-05-27 13:51:12 UTC  

dude that one is disgustingly inaccurate

2018-05-27 13:51:17 UTC  

you fucken are a succdem

2018-05-27 13:51:22 UTC  

i knew it

2018-05-27 13:51:29 UTC  


2018-05-27 13:51:33 UTC  

Im not. Other tests say Im more right leaning

2018-05-27 13:51:43 UTC  

Guess I have to redo the tests to check again soon

2018-05-27 13:51:59 UTC  

the politcal compass is really flawed though