Message from @ashoka

Discord ID: 468227794770329602

2018-07-16 01:17:54 UTC  

Capitalists know this too and the last crisis saw them redesign the capitalist state

2018-07-16 01:18:25 UTC  

post war this is

2018-07-16 01:19:17 UTC is fascism an appeal to emotion, it provides answers for problems, like turning a market economy into a corporatist economy where the economy is centrally planned by corporates

2018-07-16 01:19:40 UTC  

Its appealing even to me

2018-07-16 01:19:40 UTC  

national interests above all else

2018-07-16 01:19:42 UTC  

I get it

2018-07-16 01:19:50 UTC  

I understand why its appealing

2018-07-16 01:20:11 UTC  

but from the point of view of an alien

2018-07-16 01:20:27 UTC  

its always historically just been a lack of adaptation

2018-07-16 01:21:27 UTC  

We feel like we want our culture and nationality protected because those human traits are already repressed by capitalism

2018-07-16 01:21:42 UTC  

nazism just works

2018-07-16 01:21:42 UTC  

when you alienate people from one another they crave those things

2018-07-16 01:21:53 UTC  

It doesnt though

2018-07-16 01:21:56 UTC  

it did

2018-07-16 01:22:06 UTC  

Nazi economics relied on war

2018-07-16 01:22:13 UTC  

plain and simple

2018-07-16 01:22:47 UTC  

Which works in the short term

2018-07-16 01:23:06 UTC  

but it actually doesnt address the fundamental economic problems

2018-07-16 01:23:09 UTC  

as nazism didn't

2018-07-16 01:24:41 UTC  

the solution was the welfare state which allowed for a long period of economic stability

2018-07-16 01:30:05 UTC  

1) nothin wrong with wanting to protect ur kind
2) still havent gave me a reason why corporatism is bad

2018-07-16 01:30:39 UTC  

yes socialism is called socialism because its about protecting eachother socially

2018-07-16 01:30:58 UTC  

wrong is because everyting is owned by society

2018-07-16 01:31:06 UTC  

Define corporatism to me

2018-07-16 01:31:29 UTC  

is basically syndicalism but wit private property

2018-07-16 01:31:34 UTC  

Solidarity is the key word to the concept of socialism

2018-07-16 01:31:41 UTC  

which means looking after eachother

2018-07-16 01:31:48 UTC  

"Corporatism is the organization of a society by corporate groups and agricultural, labour, military or scientific syndicates and guilds on the basis of their common interests."

2018-07-16 01:32:08 UTC  


2018-07-16 01:32:13 UTC  

solidartity forever

2018-07-16 01:32:22 UTC  

soldiertity forever

2018-07-16 01:32:26 UTC  

for the union makes us strong

2018-07-16 01:33:44 UTC  

when the unions inspiratioin through the workers blood shal run
there can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
yet what force on earth is weeker than the feeble strength of one
for the union makes us strong

2018-07-16 01:34:33 UTC  

so how are resources distributed and what does the enterprise look like

2018-07-16 01:34:37 UTC  

under this system

2018-07-16 01:36:11 UTC  

i guess the corporates decide how to distribute resources and i guess an enterprise would be like (((capitalists))) and bosses and workers deciding who gets to be in these corporates

2018-07-16 01:36:40 UTC  

So capitalism

2018-07-16 01:37:09 UTC  

yea basically the reason im not rlly a corporatist

2018-07-16 01:37:24 UTC  

or at all

2018-07-16 01:42:54 UTC  

figuring out how to do human civilization is incredibly difficult

2018-07-16 01:43:12 UTC  

its difficult for us as a species