Message from @Nicholas91

Discord ID: 468224857390186517

2018-07-16 01:06:50 UTC  

whether its white people or whatever

2018-07-16 01:07:01 UTC  

its a way of framing the world

2018-07-16 01:07:20 UTC  

"Race? It is a feeling, not a reality. Ninety-five per cent, at least. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today."
wow mussolini sounds like a racist

2018-07-16 01:07:31 UTC  

stone him now

2018-07-16 01:07:55 UTC  

yeah italian fascism had its bad guys

2018-07-16 01:08:08 UTC  

it doesnt always revolve around race per se

2018-07-16 01:09:13 UTC  

but at its core its just a way industrial civilizations deal with capitalist crises

2018-07-16 01:12:18 UTC  

industrial civilizations have had crunch points where the adaptation is an extreme gamble like the USSR or the lack of adaptation means you go fascist and make up a story where the system wasn't to blame

2018-07-16 01:13:27 UTC  

all you have just said is literally pointless because that applies to socialism too, like yea its a what industrial civilizations do when capitalism fails whats ur point

2018-07-16 01:13:42 UTC  

Then theres the smart capitalists who manage to find a way to change capitalist production and society to fit with the new material conditions

2018-07-16 01:14:06 UTC  

my point is its better to try to adapt than refuse to adapt

2018-07-16 01:14:15 UTC  

fascism is not adaptation to capitalist crisis

2018-07-16 01:14:36 UTC  

Its a refusal to deal with a systemic crisis

2018-07-16 01:15:10 UTC  

now capitalists may find a way to fix this current crisis

2018-07-16 01:15:16 UTC  

But fascists wont

2018-07-16 01:15:30 UTC  

do you even know what fascism is cause im lost

2018-07-16 01:15:46 UTC  


2018-07-16 01:16:22 UTC  

fascism is a reaction to a breakdown in capitalism

2018-07-16 01:16:47 UTC  

that appeals to people emotionally because the reality is way more chaotic and scary

2018-07-16 01:17:54 UTC  

Capitalists know this too and the last crisis saw them redesign the capitalist state

2018-07-16 01:18:25 UTC  

post war this is

2018-07-16 01:19:17 UTC is fascism an appeal to emotion, it provides answers for problems, like turning a market economy into a corporatist economy where the economy is centrally planned by corporates

2018-07-16 01:19:40 UTC  

Its appealing even to me

2018-07-16 01:19:40 UTC  

national interests above all else

2018-07-16 01:19:42 UTC  

I get it

2018-07-16 01:19:50 UTC  

I understand why its appealing

2018-07-16 01:20:11 UTC  

but from the point of view of an alien

2018-07-16 01:20:27 UTC  

its always historically just been a lack of adaptation

2018-07-16 01:21:27 UTC  

We feel like we want our culture and nationality protected because those human traits are already repressed by capitalism

2018-07-16 01:21:42 UTC  

nazism just works

2018-07-16 01:21:42 UTC  

when you alienate people from one another they crave those things

2018-07-16 01:21:53 UTC  

It doesnt though

2018-07-16 01:21:56 UTC  

it did

2018-07-16 01:22:06 UTC  

Nazi economics relied on war

2018-07-16 01:22:13 UTC  

plain and simple

2018-07-16 01:22:47 UTC  

Which works in the short term

2018-07-16 01:23:06 UTC  

but it actually doesnt address the fundamental economic problems

2018-07-16 01:23:09 UTC  

as nazism didn't

2018-07-16 01:24:41 UTC  

the solution was the welfare state which allowed for a long period of economic stability

2018-07-16 01:30:05 UTC  

1) nothin wrong with wanting to protect ur kind
2) still havent gave me a reason why corporatism is bad

2018-07-16 01:30:39 UTC  

yes socialism is called socialism because its about protecting eachother socially