Message from @Mr. X

Discord ID: 470676445845520385

2018-07-22 19:34:18 UTC  

people are too tribal and territorial for it

2018-07-22 19:35:04 UTC  

as well as other reasons

2018-07-22 19:35:07 UTC  

you act as if you cant modify tribalism and territorial people to have their tribalism still be compatible with a global state

2018-07-22 19:35:21 UTC  

because it cant

2018-07-22 19:35:26 UTC  

yes you can

2018-07-22 19:35:35 UTC  

read the post

2018-07-22 19:35:43 UTC  

not at all,

2018-07-22 19:35:44 UTC  


2018-07-22 19:35:56 UTC  

the U.S. has manufactured cultures many times, its not hard

2018-07-22 19:36:04 UTC  

Not really no

2018-07-22 19:36:23 UTC  

they've got their own culture

2018-07-22 19:36:43 UTC  

if you mean being diverse has worked then you're wrong

2018-07-22 19:36:54 UTC  

due to that a lot of people died

2018-07-22 19:37:10 UTC  

the U.S. westernized south korea, it westernized south vietnam, japan, etc.

2018-07-22 19:37:30 UTC  

yes because they were fond of the west.

2018-07-22 19:37:36 UTC  

I'd be too if I was eastern

2018-07-22 19:37:46 UTC  

Like I am fond of the east

2018-07-22 19:38:34 UTC  

the east is very different from the west.
it could be "hur durr they like the west" or it could be that there was decades of imperialism, propaganda, and dictatorship shoved down the throats of the people

2018-07-22 19:39:10 UTC  

It certainly wasnt imperialism or propaganda or dictatorship

2018-07-22 19:39:41 UTC  

what lol
all those countries had at one point western backed military states of dictatorship

2018-07-22 19:40:09 UTC  

Yes but not because of the west, and Japan didnt have a dictatorship

2018-07-22 19:40:17 UTC  

they worshipped their emperor

2018-07-22 19:40:35 UTC  

the US military basically controlled japan after the war

2018-07-22 19:40:39 UTC  

what are you talking about

2018-07-22 19:40:43 UTC  

No they didnt

2018-07-22 19:41:01 UTC  

if they did then the emperror would be killed

2018-07-22 19:41:13 UTC  

I'm surprised they showed so much mercy

2018-07-22 19:41:25 UTC  

to both germany and japan

2018-07-22 19:41:30 UTC  

cant say the same for the ussr though

2018-07-22 19:41:44 UTC  

im not going to argue with you
youre delusional

2018-07-22 19:42:12 UTC  

I could say the same for you. Only difference is that Im the one whos right.

2018-07-22 19:43:10 UTC  

Either way your dumb dream about globalism aint going to happen.

2018-07-22 19:44:24 UTC  

there is a natural progression of humanity to open itself up to the world further and further
to suggest that it would ever stop is supremely retarded and a fantasy of grumpy white dudes

2018-07-22 19:45:33 UTC  

Careful, you're sounding like a liberal mutt. And no humanity doesnt open itself up to the world in that way. You clearly dont understand natural progression.

2018-07-22 19:46:03 UTC  

And its not stopping, its just not going the way as your bizare utopia designed it to be.

2018-07-22 19:46:29 UTC  

Yet you remain quite ignorant of this face and call me the retard? If only you could understand irony.

2018-07-22 19:47:45 UTC  

Hurry up typing, Im tired.

2018-07-22 19:48:10 UTC  

i dont predict that history will reflect my ideology right now, thats a fucking given, and how do i misunderstand 'natural progression'? humanity opens itself up to the world, other cultures, its an international soup
my belief is changing that inevitability so it actually fucking benefits the people, not results in more conflict of culture

2018-07-22 19:49:36 UTC  

"im open minded" "im the one who's right"

2018-07-22 19:49:41 UTC  

Not really, quite a lot of cultures are incompatible as for the internation soup part you're very wrong with that. You're forgetting a lot of countries here. And even that doesnt mean globalism will work.

2018-07-22 19:49:52 UTC  

@SimonsToaster In this case it seems so.