Message from @Opium

Discord ID: 472665815171465217

2018-07-28 07:19:48 UTC  

Centrists just rely on Horseshoe Theory

2018-07-28 07:20:11 UTC  

Yes so that entire quote is a fake yes?

2018-07-28 07:20:42 UTC  

And Im in the wrong because I believe in horseshoe theory?

2018-07-28 07:21:00 UTC  

Im jusr saying the horseshoe theory is pretty shitty

2018-07-28 07:21:07 UTC  

I dont rely on it though

2018-07-28 07:21:14 UTC  

I don't give a shit about the quote

2018-07-28 07:21:20 UTC  

not really no, its pretty accurate

2018-07-28 07:21:30 UTC  

you should if you want to defend strasserists

2018-07-28 07:22:07 UTC  

I'm not defending strasserist, I'm just saying theyre much more interesting to talk to then centrists

2018-07-28 07:22:41 UTC  

Oh yeah you're a commie, talking to idiots instead of generally smart people is more relatable.

2018-07-28 07:23:05 UTC  

That isnt a refutation

2018-07-28 07:23:07 UTC  

If I was you I'd surround myself around smart people instead of idiots

2018-07-28 07:23:28 UTC  

I dont need to, I could care less what you're interested in, you read marx ffs

2018-07-28 07:23:30 UTC  

It's just you being salty that I'd rather deal with someone else

2018-07-28 07:23:45 UTC  

No salt here, just facts

2018-07-28 07:24:02 UTC  

Shitty insults aren't facts

2018-07-28 07:24:14 UTC  

They're not insults either

2018-07-28 07:24:21 UTC  


2018-07-28 07:24:34 UTC  

its a fact you're an idiot, why else would you read marx?

2018-07-28 07:24:58 UTC  

Another shitty insult

2018-07-28 07:25:12 UTC  

This is all youve got

2018-07-28 07:25:13 UTC  

See, you cant even say why else.

2018-07-28 07:25:20 UTC  

Its not an insult

2018-07-28 07:25:28 UTC  

I generally want you to be smarter.

2018-07-28 07:25:50 UTC  

Uh huh, sure

2018-07-28 07:26:01 UTC  

Why would I want you to be dumb?

2018-07-28 07:26:09 UTC  

It's totally not you wanting an echo chamber for your ego

2018-07-28 07:26:21 UTC  

I'd very much rather surrounding myself with smart people instead of idiots.

2018-07-28 07:26:41 UTC  

Why do marxists always resort to ego?

2018-07-28 07:26:45 UTC  

Okay? Repeating yourself doesn't make you correct

2018-07-28 07:26:59 UTC  

its a lame attempt to destroy my argument

2018-07-28 07:27:20 UTC  

There is no argument, it's just you hurling insults

2018-07-28 07:27:29 UTC  

I never said repeating myself would make me correct, Im not even repeating myself

2018-07-28 07:27:44 UTC  

its not an insult either

2018-07-28 07:27:50 UTC  

I'd very much rather surrounding myself with smart people instead of idiots.

You've said this multiple times

2018-07-28 07:27:54 UTC  

Its a fact you're an idiot and you still havent proved otherwise

2018-07-28 07:28:04 UTC  

I said that once

2018-07-28 07:28:12 UTC  

If you wanna do something else aside from throwing shitty insults come get me

2018-07-28 07:28:19 UTC  

I said you should surround yourself with smart people instead of idiots once

2018-07-28 07:28:29 UTC  

and I said I'd very much rather surrounding myself with smart people instead of idiots once.

2018-07-28 07:28:41 UTC  

its not insults like I said