Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 497055162045825024

2018-10-03 14:21:32 UTC  

the Sowjets would´ve been steamrolled too if the italians didn´t lose every battle they fought and if the japs hadn´t gotten America into this war.

2018-10-03 14:22:50 UTC  

You keep talking about the way the Soviets won as if it changes the result. Winning is winning, and if you failed to comprehend the parameters it doesn't change the result. Neither evolution or marxism cares about your excuses.

2018-10-03 14:23:15 UTC  

I wouldn´t call that "winning"

2018-10-03 14:24:25 UTC  

Stalin originally planned to conquer all of Europe until he lost so many troops to the fascists that he had to go inot the defensive for decades until his empire of scrap metal collapsed by itself

2018-10-03 14:27:52 UTC  

You missed that part where all the fascists died, and then Stalin successor was murdered.

2018-10-03 14:29:25 UTC  

Khrushchev+ did not represent Stalin's wishes, this is very clear.

2018-10-03 14:31:45 UTC  

And without the helps of America they would have been blitzkrieged like the rest of europe

2018-10-03 14:34:17 UTC  

That's really false propaganda Americans tell themselves. Land-Lease accounted for about 2%.

2018-10-03 14:34:53 UTC

2018-10-03 14:35:00 UTC  

Yeah no one can beat the sovie-

2018-10-03 14:35:32 UTC  

>loosing 5 times the men to an army with barely any experience

2018-10-03 14:35:51 UTC  

There was no point taking Finland. Also you have come a long way from 'fascism is the best' to 'what about finland.

2018-10-03 14:36:14 UTC  

You talked about how great the red army was

2018-10-03 14:36:28 UTC  

And we're just nicely showing you how shitty they are

2018-10-03 14:36:29 UTC  


2018-10-03 14:36:58 UTC  

Stalin knew that his army was shit, he didnt see them as human, he saw them as living meatshields

2018-10-03 14:37:12 UTC  

Maybe Genghis Khan had more land, but Stalin had a better army.

2018-10-03 14:37:37 UTC  

Well, humans are meat.

2018-10-03 14:38:05 UTC  

You tell me the strategic importance.

2018-10-03 14:39:36 UTC  

Having lots of men to throw into enemies guns, doesnt make your army good

2018-10-03 14:39:45 UTC  

Yes it does

2018-10-03 14:39:58 UTC  

Its not only about the help regarding ammunition and weapons but especially for helping them indirectly by forcing the germans to split up their army by attacking them from the west too, while at the same time they had to send an enormous amount of people to help italys ridiculous efforts to secure the south while simultaniously having to deal with uprisings started by the british secret service in the southeast.
So while the sowjets could focus their entire forces on the eastern front, Germany could only use a fraction of its manpower in the east, and didnt think they´d need more since they didnt think that Stalin, being the power hungry autist he was, would fight to the bitter end and send his unarmed masses to fight a war that wasn´t worth fighting since his losses would be to big.

2018-10-03 14:40:42 UTC  

@Deleted User Well then hail our great overlords china and india, they will have the greatest army

2018-10-03 14:40:57 UTC  

together with nigeria they will be known for their great might

2018-10-03 14:42:45 UTC  

@Cui bono? Firstly, yes, Hitler fucked up a lot. Second, Soviets didn't have all their forces on the Eastern front but about 30% on the pacific. Third. Germany put 2/3 of it's army against Russian and ending up losing 80% against them. Yes, Germans were good soldiers, but not good enough.

2018-10-03 14:45:50 UTC  

Yeah 80% of the casualties but not 80% of their army

2018-10-03 14:46:11 UTC  

The full asset list isn't much better.

2018-10-03 14:46:23 UTC  

What are you saying?

2018-10-03 14:46:46 UTC  

Nazis got fucked up by Stalin.

2018-10-03 14:47:48 UTC  

No, the strongest Nation currently inhabiting the earth at that time lost an all out war against the rest of the world by picking the shittiest allies, who provoked the worst possible enemies to join the conflict

2018-10-03 14:50:15 UTC  

So why did they make the shittiest military decision of all time by declaring war on the rest of the world? No, why did they present themselves as a target for the rest of the world to hate? Either way it is a bad move and history is evidence of their failed decisions.

2018-10-03 14:51:41 UTC  

Not calculating for the immense autism of Stalin, who was willing to sacrifice his entire Population to fight a war he was destined to lose, and only making up for the superiority of his enemy by employing sub-human strategies sending millions to their deaths, which eventually caught them unprepared as they hoped he would surrender after they had demonstrated that they were capable of running over his army with ease, was an enormous mistake in retrospective, yeah.

2018-10-03 14:51:58 UTC  

They only declared war on Poland

2018-10-03 14:52:50 UTC  

Then France and Britain fearing a new empowerment of Germany in the middle of Europe started to prepare for a war on them, so they did the only rational thing and overran them while they still could

2018-10-03 14:53:11 UTC  

The only mistakes they made was to pick Italy and Japan as their allies

2018-10-03 14:53:17 UTC  

Both fucked up big time and lost them the war

2018-10-03 14:54:31 UTC  

They might have conquered the rest of the world had they just declared war on italy and took their ressources for themselves so they wouldnt be wasted on the shitties tanks ever seen by mankind and ignored Japan entirely which picked fights it could obviously never win

2018-10-03 14:54:40 UTC  

You are just describing the winning strategy and how to win. Stalin made all the right moves, which is why he was left standing and Hitler wasn't. No matter what you say cannot change the practical ledger against Hitler which said you lost and planed badly.

2018-10-03 14:56:34 UTC  

You are just going deep in fantasy. History shows that Marxism is stronger.

2018-10-03 14:56:50 UTC  

The winning move for Stalin would´ve been to ally with Hitler and not to secretly prepare for an invasion of Europe behind his back, because in the long term Communism still lost.

2018-10-03 14:56:56 UTC  

Marxism is only good at enslaving people