Message from @Cui bono?

Discord ID: 497069284543954975

2018-10-03 15:13:42 UTC  

This doesnt change the fact that communism doesnt work and seeks to undermine culture and identity to replace it with class conciousness.

2018-10-03 15:14:14 UTC  

He really began the persecution of the jews only after the doctors plot

2018-10-03 15:14:17 UTC  

Ok let me respond to 'doesn't work'. Because the Stalin era and most successful era crushed fascism

2018-10-03 15:14:41 UTC  


2018-10-03 15:15:18 UTC  

We just talking about purges for fucks sake, how can you say 'he really began persecution at doctors plot' wtf

2018-10-03 15:15:54 UTC  

The fact that he managed to scrap together large masses of shitty tanks for mass production doesnt prove that a communist economy could somehow sustain itself for long periods of time.

2018-10-03 15:16:06 UTC  

look up 'rootless cosmopolitan'.

2018-10-03 15:16:23 UTC  


2018-10-03 15:17:01 UTC  

The fact that Hitler managed to throw a zillion tons of german steel into russia proves that fascism works!

2018-10-03 15:17:48 UTC  

Because up until then he just purged the jews because they
A) were in positions of power regardless of their ethnicity
and B) just recognised them as a group in his group that conspired against him
Up until them he did not realise that it was a problem with jews and not just random people

2018-10-03 15:18:44 UTC  

Wow how do you get into the minds of historical figures like that?

2018-10-03 15:19:45 UTC  

No, a 0 percent unemployment rate, a close to 0 percent crime statistic and and enormous growth of wealth and culture during a period where the rest of the world suffered under the great depression together with an enormously strong military proves that facism works.

2018-10-03 15:20:15 UTC  

It wasn't enough.

2018-10-03 15:20:29 UTC  

Well so tell me then where Stalin states that he purged the jews intentionally before the doctors plot

2018-10-03 15:21:09 UTC  

Why would Stalin focus on the jew when a superior metric is just disloyalty.

2018-10-03 15:25:36 UTC  

Yeah it wasnt enought to hold back the rest of the world teaming up on the most succesfull system there is which had the wellbeing of its people as its main priority, not allowing parasites to leech off of the work of the common man which angered the company-controlled capitalist systems and the failed communist nations so much that they had to form an unholy alliance against this third way of leading a nation.
Even though they were arch-enemies, they both seemed to have arrived at the conclusion that fascism was a bigger threat to their power, so they had to destroy it before the rest of the world could notice how well it was working for the Germans.

2018-10-03 15:26:00 UTC  

@Deleted User Where did he "focus" on the jews before the doctors purge

2018-10-03 15:28:47 UTC  

Here's the problem: getting the focus of the world. This is also a part of the ideology. You just can't pretend that oh, we amass the largest army and no one should pay attention! No, a smart way to be successful is more like the modern Chinese and take over the world slowly. But no, Hitler made a point of getting the attention of the whole world and this is apart of his failure, not just raw numbers.

2018-10-03 15:29:31 UTC  

Imagine if Hitler could have done everything in secret. Then, maybe it could work. But we are talking about the real world and there are lots of layers.

2018-10-03 15:30:57 UTC  

I just have a big fucking problem with your Marxist narrative, because the most successful marxists are authoritarian productivists.

2018-10-03 15:35:52 UTC  

Germanys army was a joke before 1939 because of the limitations of the treaty of versailles, they weren´t even armed for the war against france, having only about two thirds of the french armys strength at the time of their attack. Normally you need at least 3 times as many soldiers as your enemy to be able to attack and conquer them.
Since strength is an essential point of the fascist ideology the army should reflect this, so they armed themselves to scare away potential enemies.
But Churchill being the anti-German piece of shit he was, he didn´t like the thought of Germany being a competitor to Britain in Europe so he declared war on them under an obviously faked justification. Because while he did declare war on Germany for attacking Poland he just ignored the fact that the Soviets teamed up with them and invaded them simultainiously. If he had been serious about his reasons, he would´ve attacked the Soviets too.

2018-10-03 15:37:11 UTC  

>Germanys army was a joke before 1939
Do you actually believe this?

2018-10-03 15:39:24 UTC  

They tried to secretly produce tanks by disguising them as farming equipment but most of them weren´t used later. As I said they didn´t have the numbers to indicate that they would try to invade France.

2018-10-03 15:40:07 UTC  

We can't continue this conversion.

2018-10-03 15:41:14 UTC  

Please widen your sources.

2018-10-03 15:41:32 UTC  

Nothing to hide.

2018-10-03 15:42:28 UTC  

>haha i just pulled this imaginary line out of my ass which you seem to have crossed, sorry sweetie can´t argue with you anymore and I won´t even state what the actual problem is since its just THAT ridiculous.

2018-10-03 15:42:28 UTC  

I have to go. If you are here in the new few day maybe we can continue.

2018-10-03 15:42:44 UTC  


2018-10-03 15:42:58 UTC  

You are defending a corpse/

2018-10-03 15:43:10 UTC  

I went into this winning

2018-10-03 15:43:35 UTC  

lol i think anyone reading through our conversation will get a different impression

2018-10-03 15:44:06 UTC  

Well, I have no faith in the masses. If anything they are great at disappointment.

2018-10-03 15:44:13 UTC  

Talk to you next time.

2018-10-03 15:44:49 UTC  

> have no faith in the masses
>loves armies that literally just win because they have a massive amount of people

2018-10-03 15:45:19 UTC

2018-10-03 15:45:35 UTC  

As I said

2018-10-03 15:47:29 UTC  

@Hermann You think the masses demand respect of their leaders?

2018-10-03 15:47:39 UTC  

Dumb fuck brigade.

2018-10-03 15:48:07 UTC  

Stop being a little keyboard happy shit.

2018-10-03 15:49:07 UTC  

Oh sorry please dont send 8 million people to my house