Message from @Adolf Hitler

Discord ID: 503578975059181569

2018-10-21 14:36:09 UTC

2018-10-21 14:36:31 UTC

2018-10-21 14:36:53 UTC  
2018-10-21 14:37:15 UTC  

r/im14andthisisdeep @Borzo

2018-10-21 14:38:22 UTC

2018-10-21 14:38:57 UTC

2018-10-21 14:39:43 UTC  

100% employment rates and 0% homelessness is what we aim for

2018-10-21 14:40:10 UTC  

99% of those deaths are the starving niglets africans shit out without having enougj food to feed them with

2018-10-21 14:40:17 UTC

2018-10-21 14:40:17 UTC  

so capitalism does work and its based af

2018-10-21 14:40:35 UTC  

>implying those African countries aren't capitalist

2018-10-21 14:40:48 UTC  


2018-10-21 14:40:53 UTC  

im implying they´re niggers

2018-10-21 14:41:38 UTC  

In proportion as the exploitation of one individual by another will also be put an end to, the exploitation of one nation by another will also be put an end to. In proportion as the antagonism between classes within the nation vanishes, the hostility of one nation to another will come to an end.

2018-10-21 14:42:04 UTC  

Capitalist countries are exploiting lower standard countries for cheap labour and resources

2018-10-21 14:42:17 UTC  

This is undeniable

2018-10-21 14:42:39 UTC  

are these white people

2018-10-21 14:42:40 UTC  


2018-10-21 14:42:42 UTC  

I fucking hate thoughty2

2018-10-21 14:43:03 UTC  

yeah you hate any source that talks bad about non coloured people and the jews

2018-10-21 14:43:15 UTC  

Considering they are separated from the rest of the fucking world and have a tiny island to live on

2018-10-21 14:43:20 UTC  

because these are the people that you can easily convert to communism

2018-10-21 14:43:25 UTC  

because of that low intelligent

2018-10-21 14:43:50 UTC  

These are the people whom which the capitalists would easily enslave

2018-10-21 14:44:00 UTC  

capitalists = jews

2018-10-21 14:44:05 UTC  

thats your code word for jews

2018-10-21 14:44:11 UTC  


2018-10-21 14:44:17 UTC  

admit it or you will still remain in my watch list

2018-10-21 14:44:31 UTC  

Because it can actually be fucking proved that the ruling class is the bourgeoisie

2018-10-21 14:44:47 UTC  

rulling class = jews

2018-10-21 14:44:51 UTC  

There is but conspiracy theories on this Jew shit

2018-10-21 14:44:54 UTC  

admit it or you will still remain in my watch list

2018-10-21 14:45:04 UTC  

and why all these code words for jews?

2018-10-21 14:45:16 UTC  

Because there are fucking working class Jews

2018-10-21 14:45:19 UTC  

Holy shit

2018-10-21 14:45:21 UTC  

stfu kkkkrackers

2018-10-21 14:45:22 UTC  

conspiracy theory a term created by the cia

2018-10-21 14:45:40 UTC  

That's a conspiracy theory

2018-10-21 14:45:55 UTC  
