Message from @Adolf Hitler

Discord ID: 503576514017886208

2018-10-21 14:31:02 UTC  

And pigs fly

2018-10-21 14:31:06 UTC  

No they dont

2018-10-21 14:31:22 UTC  

your a bourgeois nigger you make 1 million dollars a year go kill yourself so you can help the working class

2018-10-21 14:31:25 UTC  


2018-10-21 14:31:33 UTC  

Power to the proletariat!

2018-10-21 14:31:39 UTC  


2018-10-21 14:31:47 UTC  

My food's getting cold, peace

2018-10-21 14:31:56 UTC  

working class = jews

2018-10-21 14:32:04 UTC

2018-10-21 14:32:06 UTC  

thats my little spin on it ha

2018-10-21 14:32:10 UTC  


2018-10-21 14:32:20 UTC  

Bye bye porky

2018-10-21 14:32:25 UTC  

yo chill

2018-10-21 14:32:25 UTC  

Enjoy your stay in the gulag

2018-10-21 14:32:31 UTC  

leave my babe alone

2018-10-21 14:32:38 UTC  

hes going to eat something

2018-10-21 14:32:42 UTC  

Nazis defending capitalists

2018-10-21 14:32:45 UTC  


2018-10-21 14:32:47 UTC  

let him take a break brotha

2018-10-21 14:33:08 UTC  

no im defending my fellow white person

2018-10-21 14:33:16 UTC  

white power!

2018-10-21 14:33:29 UTC  

I'm also white, so you should be helping me according to your logic

2018-10-21 14:33:52 UTC

2018-10-21 14:34:28 UTC  

nope your a jew

2018-10-21 14:34:31 UTC  

Don't let the bourgeoisie control you

2018-10-21 14:34:57 UTC  

oy vey pattern recognition is anti semitic!

2018-10-21 14:35:16 UTC

2018-10-21 14:35:34 UTC

2018-10-21 14:35:49 UTC

2018-10-21 14:36:07 UTC

2018-10-21 14:36:09 UTC

2018-10-21 14:36:31 UTC

2018-10-21 14:36:53 UTC  
2018-10-21 14:37:15 UTC  

r/im14andthisisdeep @Borzo

2018-10-21 14:38:22 UTC

2018-10-21 14:38:57 UTC

2018-10-21 14:39:43 UTC  

100% employment rates and 0% homelessness is what we aim for

2018-10-21 14:40:10 UTC  

99% of those deaths are the starving niglets africans shit out without having enougj food to feed them with

2018-10-21 14:40:17 UTC

2018-10-21 14:40:17 UTC  

so capitalism does work and its based af

2018-10-21 14:40:35 UTC  

>implying those African countries aren't capitalist