Message from @Donitz

Discord ID: 507049429166194703

2018-10-31 04:02:10 UTC

2018-10-31 04:04:19 UTC  

@Donitz In all seriousness, would you elaborate? Explain which part I said was wrong.

2018-10-31 04:19:15 UTC

2018-10-31 04:19:43 UTC  

Error error: Non-Marxist rhetoric detected.

2018-10-31 04:19:52 UTC  

Commencing shutdown.

2018-10-31 04:22:07 UTC  

error error:karl marx was a jew but hey h-h-h-hey thats just a coincidence .a-a-a-and remember goyim that pattern recognition is anti semitic .a jew invented the term anti semitic but h-h-h-hey thats just another coincidence

2018-10-31 04:22:08 UTC  

"Fascism combats ... not intelligence, but intellectualism... which is... a sickness of the intellect... not a consequence of its abuse, because the intellect cannot be used too much... it derives from the false belief that one can segregate oneself from life."

— Giovanni Gentile, addressing a Congress of Fascist Culture, Bologna, 30 March 1925

2018-10-31 04:23:26 UTC  

I went offline to cook a pizza

2018-10-31 04:26:50 UTC  


2018-10-31 04:26:55 UTC  


2018-10-31 04:27:56 UTC  

Also I paraphrase something else I remember him saying "We are against those who say it is one thing to think something but it is another thing to actually do it. Thoughts must lead to action."

2018-10-31 04:28:40 UTC  

It's extremely important to have anti-intellectualism for Totalitarianism, one of The Most Essential tenets of Fascism, to work.

2018-10-31 04:28:49 UTC  

Totalitarianism is when you ignore all data, facts, evidence, etc. to operate on the will of the Leader/Leadership.

2018-10-31 04:29:15 UTC  

So fascism at least in the latter stages and in it's implementation is anti-intellectual

2018-10-31 04:29:51 UTC  

Anti-intellectualism in contemporary discourses is a political epithet derived from the 1963 propaganda work Anti-Intellectualism in American Life✡☭ by the Communist Jew, Richard Hofstadter✡☭ who belonged to the Communist Party USA☭, but later moved toward a more Frankfurt School✡☭, Freudian-inspired Cultural Marxist✡☭ disposition. The core of Hofstadter's meme is to express the racial anxiety that cosmopolitan Jews feel towards the organic conservative and populist rural populations in the United States and to demonise them for refusing to be socially engineered by the ideas of the Jewish and liberal intelligencia from places such as New York City.

2018-10-31 04:30:18 UTC  

this anti intellectual thing your talking about has nothing to do with fascism .this anti intellectual stuff is a jewish invention

2018-10-31 04:30:23 UTC  

sounds legit

2018-10-31 04:31:28 UTC  

Materialism won, idealism is dead

2018-10-31 04:31:42 UTC  

You misunderstand what is meant by "anti-intellectualism", it is not the rejection of all reason and critical thinking. Rather it is to discourage empty theorising from an ivory tower.

2018-10-31 04:32:32 UTC  

I thought that even in the quote you posted Gentile explained this quite well.

2018-10-31 04:33:24 UTC  

No I didn't

2018-10-31 04:33:39 UTC  

Totalitarian states (which Fascist states are) are anti-intellectual by definition. Political dissent are routinely sought out and quashed in anti-democratic, Totalitarian states, which can be Fascist or Communist, in an effort to reinforce their own political structures.

2018-10-31 04:35:18 UTC  

are you saying all thinking against fascism is anti intellectual?

2018-10-31 04:39:40 UTC  

Did I say that? 🤔

2018-10-31 04:41:12 UTC  

I'm going to sleep as it's 4am here.

2018-10-31 04:41:33 UTC  


2018-10-31 04:41:47 UTC  

Maybe we can pick this up another time, gents.

2018-10-31 05:18:39 UTC  

anyone here like gov sims

2018-10-31 05:19:15 UTC  

@Adolf Hitler found you

2018-10-31 05:19:19 UTC  

incel rage

2018-10-31 05:19:53 UTC  

@DeusVault do you like government simulators

2018-10-31 08:04:57 UTC  

Why are American proletarians so stupid

2018-10-31 08:05:09 UTC  

So many of them aren't class conscious

2018-10-31 08:05:14 UTC  

@Borzo education system

2018-10-31 08:05:21 UTC  

That's true

2018-10-31 08:05:28 UTC  

Amerikan indoctrination

2018-10-31 08:13:10 UTC  

@Borzo schools should not influence political views

2018-10-31 08:13:18 UTC  

but there's so much libleft propaganda