Message from @ᵈˢʳ✪

Discord ID: 510968580070834176

2018-11-10 23:26:53 UTC

2018-11-10 23:34:35 UTC

2018-11-10 23:44:30 UTC  

@Adolf Hitler how is what happened in Libya a result of the jews?

2018-11-10 23:53:12 UTC  

Sabaton gay

2018-11-10 23:54:30 UTC  

your mother

2018-11-10 23:57:30 UTC

2018-11-11 00:00:18 UTC  

eyy flag to the right of the USSR's on the left wall

2018-11-11 00:00:47 UTC  

Hey you know what's common about all those countries

2018-11-11 00:01:10 UTC  

vast increases in the quality of life

2018-11-11 00:01:28 UTC  

and rapid economic development

2018-11-11 00:04:00 UTC  

That's straight up wrong.

2018-11-11 00:04:04 UTC

2018-11-11 00:05:54 UTC  


2018-11-11 00:05:57 UTC  

it's not

2018-11-11 00:05:58 UTC  

but ok

2018-11-11 00:06:13 UTC  

guess you're just right

2018-11-11 00:06:42 UTC  

bc you're the only rational and pragmatic thinker here

2018-11-11 00:06:56 UTC  

as a centrist

2018-11-11 00:07:27 UTC  

isis and nato are controlled by the jews and creations of theirs and hillary clinton is also a creation of theirs.hillary clinton said "we came we saw he died" when she was asked about gaddafi .gaddafi was going to implement the dinar gold currency that would rival and make competition with the jew owned and run economy of the western world(the jews play a huge role in the control of the economy of western countries for example the jews that play the biggest role is the rothschilds they have central banks in all countries except for 3 .theres also other key players that hold control of the western economical system notable ones include the rockefellers,george sorros.morgans.and others .the killing of gaddafi and taking of syria and turning it into a country of slavery,terrorism,poverty was mostly done by the jews .isis and nato were the ones that killed gaddafi first nato shot something at gaddafis car while he was driving down the road then the isis(israli secret intelligence service) like a group of 25 isis guys went over to his bombed car and didnt find him then they went looking around and found gaddafi along with his driver inside a water pipe hole then they killed the driver then they took gaddafi out of this pipe hole place and put him ontop of a car and they began doing low iq the usual muslim pig chants "alloha snackbar" when they discovered him he was injured and then gaddafi begs them not to kill him then after 1 minute passes they shoot him in the huts and kill him .the mainstream media calls the rebels revolutionaries and the good guys this is what news media like the bbc calls

2018-11-11 00:07:36 UTC  

them but in reality it was a false rovolution it was all isis people and people paid by israel something like this(eveyone in libya supported gaddafi. and basically the same thing is happening in syria .mossad s motto war by deception .i already posted several information about the truth about the economy about the federal reserve,libya be open minded and investigate the mainstream media obviously lies about situations in the middle east and libya because all the ceos of these mainstream media places are jewish and are paid by the israeli lobby to push their war for israel and war on terror(war on terror just means wars for israel all the enemies of israel israel uses different military proxies for their wars like isis,nato,usa,uk,and other militaries of europe

2018-11-11 00:07:41 UTC  
2018-11-11 00:07:47 UTC  


2018-11-11 00:08:01 UTC  

yeah i was writing it on my notepad file

2018-11-11 00:08:19 UTC  

i didnt want anyone of you distracting me

2018-11-11 00:08:36 UTC  

wars for israel* fixed typo

2018-11-11 00:08:39 UTC  

yeah i will agree the rothschild thing is sketchy

2018-11-11 00:08:48 UTC  

the connection is their

2018-11-11 00:08:51 UTC  


2018-11-11 00:08:55 UTC  

its a big part of it

2018-11-11 00:08:58 UTC  

always has been

2018-11-11 00:09:22 UTC  

they were speaking about regime change in NK, which is one of the only countries left where they aren't involved

2018-11-11 00:09:50 UTC  

yeah north korea doesnt have a central bank controlled by them but i havent researched about north korea though

2018-11-11 00:10:11 UTC  

Source: Neon Nettle

Lord Jacob Rothschild has spoken out about the “disorderly situation” between the United States and North Korea to say that the only option left on the table is a “change of regime”.

In response to questions about his Chairman’s Statement for Rothschild Investment Trust (RIT Capital Partners) in which he cited “daunting uncertainty and political turmoil,” he said:

“Currently, the world order is facing a new threat that places our global liberal democracy at risk.”

“The global economic structure relies on international cooperation and security otherwise we face playing a diminished role on the world stage.”

“The UN Security Council is in agreement that options have become severely limited, and the only option left to secure a future for Globalism may be a change of regime in North Korea.”

Tensions between the United States and Kim Jong-un’s North Korean regime have reached boiling point this week following Donald Trump’s statement that N Korea will be met with “fire and fury like the world has never seen” should they continue to their nuclear testing program.

North Korea responded to the statement by saying they were looking at plans to launch a strike against US territory Guam.

President Trump’s comments came in response to a report in the Washinton Post that had developed nuclear warheads that were small enough to be fitted to their long-range missiles, which would increase the threat of a nuclear attack on American soil dramatically.

2018-11-11 00:11:31 UTC  

this is a good article

2018-11-11 00:13:49 UTC  

There's a lot of misinformation about the country as I'm sure you're aware, but a lot of it is with the purpose of propagating fear and frustration amongst us to push for a regime change with minimal domestic opposition and obscene yet sadly widespread ideas including the destruction of the country (TJ Kirk is an example) come to mind.