Message from @Jerky____________sPoOnEgMaN

Discord ID: 511730777541574657

2018-11-13 02:32:32 UTC  

if you love pol pot

2018-11-13 02:32:38 UTC  

you are beyond retarded

2018-11-13 02:32:52 UTC  


2018-11-13 02:33:09 UTC  

Zizek is my favourite pseudo intellectual

2018-11-13 02:33:17 UTC  

he reminds me of the creator of rick and morty

2018-11-13 02:33:38 UTC  

Who has aspergers

2018-11-13 02:33:44 UTC  

tbh im retarded

2018-11-13 02:33:48 UTC  

i dont know shita bout him

2018-11-13 02:33:53 UTC  

i just like his name

2018-11-13 02:34:05 UTC  

Most anarchists are

2018-11-13 02:34:12 UTC  

im not ancom

2018-11-13 02:34:17 UTC  

So Im not surprised

2018-11-13 02:34:20 UTC  

Especially ancom

2018-11-13 02:34:28 UTC  

im ancap

2018-11-13 02:34:28 UTC  


2018-11-13 02:34:35 UTC  

That's worse

2018-11-13 02:34:42 UTC  

i like it

2018-11-13 02:34:50 UTC  

it sounds very stable

2018-11-13 02:34:58 UTC  

where most wont sstarve and wait in bread lines

2018-11-13 02:35:19 UTC  

You and I have two very different definitions of stable

2018-11-13 02:35:24 UTC  


2018-11-13 02:35:31 UTC  

Most dont starve

2018-11-13 02:35:49 UTC  

and I like survival of the fittest and a state to keep that

2018-11-13 02:35:58 UTC  

anarchy is only good temporarily

2018-11-13 02:36:00 UTC

2018-11-13 02:36:08 UTC  

and it only works temporarily

2018-11-13 02:36:18 UTC  

anarchism just sound retarded

2018-11-13 02:36:25 UTC  

because it is

2018-11-13 02:36:26 UTC  

why would you need it

2018-11-13 02:36:28 UTC  

not want it

2018-11-13 02:36:36 UTC  

its unnecessary

2018-11-13 02:36:46 UTC  

I'd only want it when ridding a tyrant

2018-11-13 02:36:54 UTC  

makes sense

2018-11-13 02:37:04 UTC  

I dont need it though

2018-11-13 02:37:28 UTC  

i like a dictatorship in the way where they control where society goes

2018-11-13 02:37:36 UTC  

not personal freedom

2018-11-13 02:37:41 UTC  

That sounds retarded

2018-11-13 02:37:44 UTC  


2018-11-13 02:37:50 UTC  

because it is

2018-11-13 02:38:04 UTC  


2018-11-13 02:38:07 UTC  
