Message from @joe TX
Discord ID: 414132215711137793
Love the first photo.
Great composition on them, too.
Cheaper camera, or dirty lense?
Yeah I think the wide-angle lens on my camera might be a little fucked up. It sort of made worse by the fact that I took these during sunset.
This area has a long history involving westward expansion. It was the last civilized stop that Lewis and Clark made before heading into the untamed, less charted, and savage claimed West. Given that context, I think these are pretty good Aesthetics.
I'll see if I can't give the glass a really good cleaning and get better results
There was a lot of background brightness with the sun as well, probably didn't do it any favors.
Threw up some propaganda outside too
@Johnnyrotten nice photos, as always.
@joe TX Great photos.
No idea where they are tho.
San Antonio
@joe TX Thanks