Message from @Adolf Hitler
Discord ID: 516485479332315136
Look at those Kulaks whoring themselves out to facists.
everyone that uses twitch and does not stream is a fascist
that rite
what about youtube? can you identify the fascists if you can please do this is world war 3 @Headshots
@Adolf Hitler this is why unemployment is a problem
T-series are Indian facists.
being a twitch streamer is a job @Buy me a pc
Whatβs ur twitch then
@Headshots pewdiepie is a fascist he did the nahtzee salute
its stpeach @Buy me a pc
Ok Iβll look into it
He was trying to infiltrate by appealing to the bourgeoisie.
He's a DemSoc Swed through and through.
his actions doesnt show us this
All socs deserve to get socked in the jaw
he also played a hitler speech clip in one of his videos
It's 4D chess
and also payed two indians to hold a sign that said "death to all jews" and he played that clip on one of his videos
@Adolf Hitler read hetalia
Better yet don't.
ok now you either admit pewdiepie is a nahzee or you yourself is a nahzee for defending him @Headshots
Again, appealing to the fascist sensibilities. Take a look at your first link. You don't realize the beautiful symbolism with in. Felix is trying to relate to the bourgeoisie. Those two oppressed prolitarians are doing anything for money, and Felix is looking on through the perspective of your typical bourgeoisie. They get a kick out of seeing the prolitarian suffer and do what they can to get by off the conditions capitalism has forced them into. The intricacies of the metaphors expressed in his videos are Mensa level quality. Your typical Fash wouldn't understand, so I wouldn't be surprised you don't understand. He is making a statement.
π π
im a fash basher
It's easy to claim to be something.
@Adolf Hitler Would you punch a Nazi?
i punch one everyday .i have a picture of hitler taped to my punching bag
I can't punch a NAzi girl.
you have to practice
ok im going to tell you a little secret .about the nahtzees og todays