Message from @PugSlugger

Discord ID: 527608595286589451

2018-12-26 22:04:48 UTC  

Get over it

2018-12-26 22:04:56 UTC  

German Socdems in Weimar republic never supported communism

2018-12-26 22:04:59 UTC  

Commies shoot eachother all the time

2018-12-26 22:05:16 UTC  

They betrayed working people since WW1

2018-12-26 22:05:16 UTC  

Pol pot was a commie and he killed commies

2018-12-26 22:05:26 UTC  

when supported fucking kaiser

2018-12-26 22:05:32 UTC  

Trotsky was a commie and killed the ukrainian commies

2018-12-26 22:05:38 UTC  

Cry more

2018-12-26 22:05:43 UTC  

They are socialists

2018-12-26 22:05:50 UTC  

Socialism failed germany

2018-12-26 22:05:53 UTC  

@PugSlugger are you fucking retarded?

2018-12-26 22:06:15 UTC  

German socdems feared about Socialist revolution

2018-12-26 22:06:26 UTC  

Like Mensheviks in Russia

2018-12-26 22:06:53 UTC  

>socialists feared socialism

2018-12-26 22:06:57 UTC  

Nigger what?

2018-12-26 22:07:05 UTC  

Mensheviks supported in fact proto-fascists from White Movement to supress socialist revolution

2018-12-26 22:07:29 UTC  

Socdems are not socialists

2018-12-26 22:07:37 UTC  

Social democrats

2018-12-26 22:08:01 UTC  

@PugSlugger ok why they shoot revolutionary workers and shoot communists from Union of Spartakus?

2018-12-26 22:08:07 UTC  

The SPD was established as a Marxist party in 1875. However, the Social Democrats underwent a major shift in policies reflected in the differences between the Heidelberg Program of 1925 which "called for the transformation of the capitalist system of private ownership of the means of production to social ownership"[11] and the Godesberg Program of 1959 which aimed to broaden its voter base and move its political position toward the centre.[12]

2018-12-26 22:08:11 UTC  


2018-12-26 22:08:17 UTC  

Cry more

2018-12-26 22:08:26 UTC  

@PugSlugger are you fucking retarded

2018-12-26 22:08:28 UTC  

Kerensky, a social democrat, feared a socialist revolution, which was seen in October

2018-12-26 22:09:00 UTC  

Any source on that?

2018-12-26 22:09:33 UTC  

"And I can understand how you like and trust and put your hope in Kerensky. You want to give him time, a chance, to act. He means well, you say. He means socialism. But I warn you he will not make socialism. He may think socialism, he may mean socialism. But, comrades -- I tell you Kerensky is an intellectual: he cannot act; he can talk; he cannot act. But you will not believe this yet. You will take time to give him time, and meanwhile, like Kerensky, you will not work. Very well, take your time. But when the hour strikes, when you are ready to go back yourselves to work and you want a government that will go to work and not only think socialism and talk socialism and mean socialism -- when you want a government that will do socialism, then -- come to the Bolsheviki" Lenin

2018-12-26 22:09:42 UTC  

>when you advocate for social ownership but youre not real socialists because you failed

2018-12-26 22:09:44 UTC  


2018-12-26 22:09:52 UTC  

Yes it was established with participation of marxists but in German SPD always was bourgeois, opportunist tendency like Bernstein, Kautsky and so on who became anticommunists and antimarxists

2018-12-26 22:10:02 UTC  

>when you uphold capitalism while pretending to be socialist

2018-12-26 22:10:37 UTC  

You guys really like to say that all these failed socialists arent REAAAL socialists

2018-12-26 22:10:42 UTC  

Like venezuela

2018-12-26 22:10:43 UTC  


2018-12-26 22:10:52 UTC  

Weimar republic

2018-12-26 22:10:53 UTC  

Laos is not failed

2018-12-26 22:10:58 UTC  

Oh they arent reallll

2018-12-26 22:11:01 UTC  

Weimar Republic is capitalist

2018-12-26 22:11:13 UTC  

This tendency won in 1914 when 2nd Intenational collapsed because socdems became fucking social-chovinists supported imperialist government

2018-12-26 22:11:21 UTC  

Venezuela is third world Scandinavia

2018-12-26 22:11:21 UTC  

And yet it was run by socialists attempting to make it socialist

2018-12-26 22:11:39 UTC  

>When you have 70% of your industry privatised but right wingers think your socialist