Message from @PugSlugger

Discord ID: 528216362590404629

2018-12-28 14:19:56 UTC  

they said it best

2018-12-28 14:20:19 UTC  


2018-12-28 14:20:22 UTC  

Fucking lol

2018-12-28 14:20:28 UTC  


@Borzo to say it short, Yugoslavia was the first victim of the Military Industrial Complex.

2018-12-28 14:20:35 UTC  

the US doesnt mind killing civilians abroad as long as countries dance to their tune or can be used to feed their narrative as (ironically) cherishing justice and human rights

*Press F to pay respect*

2018-12-28 14:21:03 UTC  

The US funded the white army and even sent troops to burn villages in 1917

2018-12-28 14:21:18 UTC

2018-12-28 14:21:19 UTC  

PoKempner, Dinah (1995). Cambodia at War. Human Rights Watch. ISBN 978-1-564-32150-3.

2018-12-28 14:21:24 UTC  

Read a book

Both Croatian and Serbian nationalists had a shadowy hand behind them.

2018-12-28 14:21:44 UTC  

This guy is seriously telling ME to read a book

2018-12-28 14:21:46 UTC  

How ironic

2018-12-28 14:22:27 UTC  

Khmer Rouge leaders had a manic hatred for the Vietnamese and expended considerable effort in trying to whip up anti-Vietnamese sentiment. Claiming Southern Vietnam as their territory, the Khmer Rouge launched numerous cross-border raids, burning down villages and massacring their inhabitants. In all, around 30,000 Vietnamese civilians lost their lives in the attacks.

2018-12-28 14:22:27 UTC  

Nigger you watch youtube videos like a boomer and think everything else is some kind of giant cappy conspiracy to revise history

2018-12-28 14:23:10 UTC  

According to journalist Elizabeth Becker, U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski “himself claims that he concocted the idea of persuading Thailand to cooperate fully with China in its efforts to rebuild the Khmer Rouge.” Brzezinski said, “I encouraged the Chinese to support Pol Pot. I encouraged the Thai to help the D.K. [Khmer Rouge government-in-exile of Democratic Kampuchea]. The question was how to help the Cambodian people. Pol Pot was an abomination. We could never support him, but China could.” In fact, U.S. support went well beyond encouraging others to rebuild the Khmer Rouge.

2018-12-28 14:23:13 UTC  

no he just thinks critically

2018-12-28 14:23:14 UTC  

The US has little to no direct involvement with the khmer rouge

2018-12-28 14:23:18 UTC  

theres a difference

2018-12-28 14:23:29 UTC  

as long as you have evidence

>TFW when most rational American citizens are mentally mature millenials...

2018-12-28 14:23:46 UTC  

The following year, the United States again supported the Khmer Rouge in the UN as the “legitimate” representative of the Cambodian people. With U.S. backing, Cambodia would continue to be represented in the United Nations by a Khmer Rouge diplomat until 1993.

2018-12-28 14:23:58 UTC  

@Borzo what does this prove?

2018-12-28 14:24:16 UTC  

You are so blind smh

@Borzo also, I think that's post-Pol Pot KR too.

2018-12-28 14:24:41 UTC  

Ah yes, im blind because i dont believe that the cia ran cambodia

2018-12-28 14:24:49 UTC  

And china

2018-12-28 14:24:54 UTC  

And venezuela

2018-12-28 14:24:59 UTC  

And yugoslavia

2018-12-28 14:25:05 UTC  

And cuba

2018-12-28 14:25:12 UTC  

And the ussr

2018-12-28 14:25:17 UTC  

U.S. funding to the KPNLF and ANS armies allied with the Khmer Rouge was handled by a working group composed of representatives from the United States, Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia. CIA satellite intelligence was provided, as were weapons manufactured in Singapore and Taiwan, which the KPNLF and ANS were free to sell at a profit.

2018-12-28 14:25:30 UTC  

Didnt ya know? Gorbochev was cia!!!

2018-12-28 14:25:37 UTC  

Putin is cia

2018-12-28 14:25:55 UTC  

Quite often, this meant that the arms found a home in the Khmer Rouge army. The Thai military handled distribution, and corrupt officers sold a portion of supplies to the highest bidder. In practice, this meant the Khmer Rouge, which had ample resources from its gem mining and logging operations, not to mention generous funding from abroad. Similarly, it was estimated that about 80 percent of Red Cross and UN food aid intended for Cambodian refugees was auctioned off.

2018-12-28 14:25:58 UTC  

>freemasons arent cia