Message from @PugSlugger

Discord ID: 528766359107141642

2018-12-30 00:04:42 UTC

2018-12-30 00:04:57 UTC

2018-12-30 00:07:57 UTC  

heres another book about communism @PugSlugger

2018-12-30 00:42:34 UTC  

It's so annoying how the alt right shouts "communism is Jewish!! Kill Jews!!" And the liberals shout "*Insert socialist leader here* was anti Semitic!! He killed Jews!!"

2018-12-30 00:43:59 UTC  

@Borzo i havent picked authoritarien role and totalitarien role as a joke you know i have a authoritarien personalty. and i will

2018-12-30 00:48:41 UTC  

Really I thought you were an anarchist

How the huwite Zionist-run capitalist propaganda machine called the Corporate Media works

``Commies always resort to crying when they don't get their way.
Capitalism has single-handily driven innovation and technology.``

Tell that to the Soviets and the Chinese. Also, because of communism (though they abandoned the economic structure in favor of state capitalism), China is the economic powerhouse of the world.

Tell that to the Vietnamese also. Even the Americans were logical enough to abandon South Vietnam because the people favor Uncle Ho over an imperialist machine

I also have to tell you that Vietnam stayed truer to the ideals than China is.

In fact, you can go to jail in China just for praising Mao.

2018-12-30 02:45:07 UTC  

@Лт. Бакугоу Катсуки (казненный) nigga china had to switch to capitalism so they wouldnt collapse like the ussr.

Capitalism in their own label.

And in a way, China is far worse than America.

2018-12-30 02:47:06 UTC  

The point is they had to

2018-12-30 02:47:14 UTC  

China is an absolute shithole

2018-12-30 02:47:24 UTC  

They are on the verge of collapse

2018-12-30 02:47:54 UTC  

Because they have so little economic freedom

2018-12-30 02:48:29 UTC  

@PugSlugger Communism is a failed ideology, only favoured by juvenile delinquents and social outcasts.

Being more capitalist than America while maintaining communist rhetoric all while imprisoning the real communists.

2018-12-30 02:48:44 UTC  

@DOg true

That is China.

2018-12-30 02:49:01 UTC  

@Лт. Бакугоу Катсуки (казненный) nigger in what universe are they more capitalist?

Socially capitalist.

2018-12-30 02:49:28 UTC  

they are state capitalists.

I dont know the words to describe but at least America did capitalism better.

2018-12-30 02:50:27 UTC  

I mean, nowadays, the label for political ideologies has become so vague and indistinct. So whatever, call the chinks capitalist.

Also, China doesnt care if their producta are faulty as long as they rake the money

Unlike Japan, who ensures that their products are of excellent quality to keep themselves on top.

2018-12-30 02:51:14 UTC  

Nigger china is partially socialist

2018-12-30 02:51:22 UTC  

The state has its own mop

And also, they don't give a shit about you. They just see you as their raw labor.

2018-12-30 02:51:43 UTC  

America doesnt have state owned enterprises

Not to mention brutal sweatshops.

2018-12-30 02:52:16 UTC  

China is failing because of their communist government

Even the Vietnamese puke at such revelations.

2018-12-30 02:52:22 UTC  

@PugSlugger so does korea.

2018-12-30 02:52:33 UTC  

Are you gonna ignore it?

Edit: China is failing because of their "communist" government