Message from @Borzo
Discord ID: 530117642543955978
>he majored in bio
Yeah bro wanna fight?
Hit me with some "advanced theorums"
bye for the last time faggot
leave already
Leave the ring cuck
youve said it so many times but you wont
just go
@PugSlugger sh shut up!
I'm gonna work for Pfizer!
have fun in your mums puss
I bet its a BA program
**abortion intensifies**
13 year old marxist leninist has argument with mentally handicapped nihilist
go to your fucking roon
@PugSlugger Well uh, what are you taking brochacho?
you spelled mum wrong
youre irish
ireland spells it the noraml way
Mech E
@PugSlugger You're a britbongani right?
no hes a mutt
>tfw 70k entry level salary
<:porky:315615014751043588> <:porky:315615014751043588> <:porky:315615014751043588> <:porky:315615014751043588> <:porky:315615014751043588>
No, im a red-blooded American
thats a high amount in america?
It isn't lmao
thats middle class
He's just coping
what an absolute classcuck
Jelly? Lol