Message from @pajama boy
Discord ID: 530117122454716446
Genocide is awesome
demoside is understandable
white people are failures
classiside is based
There is something to preserve in all ethnicities (this post was made by George Lincoln Rockwell Gang)
Kulaks deserved it
lets have a classiside
one day id like to kill all intellectuals
Jesus these people have no understanding of genetics
Honestly genetic research attracts redpilled as fuck people
classicide now
Mr. E is first
id rather be retarded than be some useless intellectual
>this level of holodomor denial
or worse
a pseudo-intellectual
Molecular Biology major ftw
like mr. e
@Apple Pie pretty trash lad
Engineering or nothing
>he majored in math
lol ofc youre an engineer faggot
>he majored in bio
Yeah bro wanna fight?
Hit me with some "advanced theorums"
bye for the last time faggot
leave already
Leave the ring cuck
youve said it so many times but you wont
just go