Message from @Apple Pie
Discord ID: 530196908560351242
Equality is a false god boyos
I got tetinittisusjcnjs from a gun fight with a pig
@Apple Pie uou
you see it’s funny because you’re saying something controversial for comedic effect
How do you know that buddy?
It's text
I hear it in your tone
There's infinite amounts of deception I can employ
I took the test
The tone of your voice young man
I'm high test
What am i?
Its funny, i was a paleocon when i was like 14
Good transformation
Then a commie
How did that happen?
I was 16, wtf do you mean what happened?
What 16 year old isnt a commie?
Youre lying nigger
Sure jan
I was a libertarian at 16
I think enviromentalism should be higher on my test though
It's a meme
Anyway signing off for now
Ecofacist gang rise up
Gimme some of that mr e fake screenshot
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Askar#5561 has been warned.***