Message from @Stalin
Discord ID: 530245856910376961
eyes are closing
must be how it feels like to diE
i just got kicked
from socialist documents
this is trash
natsocs are cancer
gtg see u in paradise
my girlfriend's boyfriend tyrone got me a Nintendo switch for Christmas!!
and he let me sleep in the bed
Your girlfriend’s boyfriend?
Isn’t that technically yourself
its an open relationship fellow socialist
i love
😂 truth fellow comrade dont you love watching those cappie pigbeast savages bleed out
also lining up anarchists against the wall and executing them as counter-revolutionaries is funny for memes
yes agreed, shooting people we dont like is very based
reported to stasi
No u
@ashoka keep doin what youre doin
Join my server to defeat capitalism
@Stalin bigot
anyone here is a ba'athist?
I am @faggypoopoopee
Let's raid these capitalist idiots
g hub
Raid these idiots
Raid at your own discretion