Message from @Borzo

Discord ID: 530542085707792395

2019-01-04 00:22:00 UTC  

You're first @Mr. X

2019-01-04 00:22:11 UTC  

>"I dont care about jewish tradition"

2019-01-04 00:22:11 UTC  


2019-01-04 00:22:16 UTC  

You gotta tho

2019-01-04 00:22:25 UTC  


2019-01-04 00:22:30 UTC  

Pssh classicide

2019-01-04 00:22:32 UTC  

Check this out

2019-01-04 00:22:35 UTC  

Fuck off Marxist

2019-01-04 00:23:06 UTC  

Eh, Zoroastrianism was a pretty cool guy, walks the path and doesn't afraid of Judaism

2019-01-04 00:23:09 UTC

2019-01-04 00:23:09 UTC proto-socialism that influenced Judaism

2019-01-04 00:23:36 UTC  

Redpill me on this though, is schizophrenia a Jewish trick?

2019-01-04 00:23:48 UTC  


2019-01-04 00:23:55 UTC  


2019-01-04 00:23:59 UTC  


2019-01-04 00:24:02 UTC

2019-01-04 00:24:16 UTC  

I really don't get the porky memes

2019-01-04 00:24:30 UTC  

Natsocs are literally just more specific on (((who))) the elites are.

2019-01-04 00:24:50 UTC

2019-01-04 00:24:51 UTC  


2019-01-04 00:24:58 UTC  

Whatever Trofim Lysenko

2019-01-04 00:25:04 UTC  

Hitler gave foreign factories to the German bourgeoisie

2019-01-04 00:25:06 UTC  

Go grow some classist turnips lmao

2019-01-04 00:25:15 UTC  

You can read

2019-01-04 00:25:35 UTC  

Let me get a link

2019-01-04 00:26:01 UTC  

Every breath you take

2019-01-04 00:26:04 UTC  

Lysenko was a strong proponent of soft inheritance and rejected Mendelian genetics in favor of pseudoscientific[2][3] ideas termed Lysenkoism.

2019-01-04 00:26:10 UTC  

His experimental research in improved crop yields earned him the support of the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, especially following the famine and loss of productivity resulting from forced collectivization in several regions of the Soviet Union in the early 1930s. In 1940, Lysenko became director of the Institute of Genetics within the USSR's Academy of Sciences, and the exercise of political influence and power further secured his anti-Mendelian doctrines in Soviet science and education.

2019-01-04 00:26:13 UTC  


2019-01-04 00:26:17 UTC  

Look at this dood

2019-01-04 00:26:23 UTC  

wait till you see the fu-

2019-01-04 00:26:31 UTC  

So a pseudoscientist

2019-01-04 00:26:32 UTC  

Soviet scientists who refused to renounce genetics were dismissed from their posts and left destitute. Hundreds if not thousands of others were imprisoned. Several were sentenced to death as enemies of the state, including the botanist Nikolai Vavilov. Scientific dissent from Lysenko's theories of environmentally acquired inheritance was formally outlawed in the Soviet Union in 1948.

2019-01-04 00:26:43 UTC  

Oh no no no no!

2019-01-04 00:26:46 UTC  

oh oh oh

2019-01-04 00:26:50 UTC  

Though Lysenko remained at his post in the Institute of Genetics until 1965,[4] his influence on Soviet agricultural practice had declined after the death of Stalin in 1953.

2019-01-04 00:27:01 UTC  


2019-01-04 00:27:18 UTC  

Wow nice one