Message from @Vines

Discord ID: 531466965580251156

I think North Korea is more serious: jail time for wearing jeans, because you are flaunting American degeneracy for them.

2019-01-06 13:28:25 UTC  

i would like to see source for this information

2019-01-06 13:28:28 UTC  

Just like in the west you'll get weird looks for wearing a ushanka

@Borzo I agree with you. But when I want to wear modest clothes like casual slacks my mom always say I look like an old man.

2019-01-06 13:29:08 UTC  

thats just culture diffirence and your own taste

2019-01-06 13:30:24 UTC  

soviets didnt liked man with white tie style clotes the same way most of us didnt like SS uniform

2019-01-06 13:30:35 UTC  

Flat caps are based too

2019-01-06 13:30:36 UTC  

it is like an indication of your side

2019-01-06 13:30:48 UTC  

Workers in early 1900s would wear them

2019-01-06 13:31:13 UTC  

yeah but i was talking about USSR

2019-01-06 13:31:31 UTC  

thats at least late 10s and early 20s

2019-01-06 13:32:44 UTC  

well they just assumed it without any proof

2019-01-06 13:33:45 UTC  

i think i saw few people wearing jeans in Pyongyang

2019-01-06 13:34:04 UTC  

it was on some you tube video

Mostly foreign tourists.

2019-01-06 13:35:20 UTC  

well they looked pretty korean to me

2019-01-06 13:37:27 UTC  

and the whole clothes theme is about indication of a side

2019-01-06 13:37:52 UTC  

if ypu look too diffirent then you are an alien

2019-01-06 13:39:20 UTC  

South Koreans

2019-01-06 13:39:58 UTC  

so you commited a crime and bought illegaly imported stuff

2019-01-06 13:40:13 UTC  

that kind of a thing

2019-01-06 13:41:38 UTC  

revolutionary activity or just crirminals?

2019-01-06 13:46:06 UTC  

@Vines criminals i would say

2019-01-06 13:46:41 UTC  

revolutionary potential is low in brasil i think

2019-01-06 13:47:04 UTC  

they need few years of neo-con rule to get it

2019-01-06 13:50:38 UTC  


2019-01-06 13:51:10 UTC  

russia hust started gaining lots of potential

2019-01-06 13:52:01 UTC  

we had youtube channels with over 1000000 subs where marxist talk about history and theory time to time

2019-01-06 13:52:48 UTC  


2019-01-06 13:52:49 UTC  

and one of our biggest youtube film critics turned very much left i last few years

2019-01-06 13:52:57 UTC  


2019-01-06 13:53:17 UTC  

he made it

2019-01-06 13:53:39 UTC  

he's like NC but MUCH better

2019-01-06 13:53:51 UTC  

Eliminate all fascist bandits and capitalist sharks

2019-01-06 13:54:39 UTC  

he's making reviews over 1 hour long on average

2019-01-06 13:55:15 UTC  

thats his channel

2019-01-06 13:56:17 UTC  

once he made a review actually longer that the film itself