Message from @Vines

Discord ID: 531483605277474817

2019-01-06 14:10:59 UTC  

“So right there, that emphasis on a monolithic party, and by the way in that same month, or in the month before, in April, Lenin called for a strengthening of the trade unions, and for more worker representations on the central committee. So it wasn’t that he was moving in anti-worker, it was that he was moving against opposition. So right there you see the seeds of a system that could not develop naturally, with an opposition. With checks, with internal debate and argument. A system that began to strain for uniformity, for siege, for lockstep cooperation, empathis being on organising, getting it done, stop asking too many questions, as everything was a life and death issue.”

2019-01-06 14:15:05 UTC  

As a quote from Marx, "The true meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism"

2019-01-06 14:15:23 UTC  

Basically we need some kind of communist Napoleon or Cromwell

2019-01-06 14:15:53 UTC  


2019-01-06 14:16:50 UTC  

As i remember Tito belived that capitalism and socilalism can coexist

2019-01-06 14:17:10 UTC  

he is a leader but he had that big flaw

2019-01-06 14:34:58 UTC  

still locked

2019-01-06 14:35:06 UTC  

i have no rights for it

2019-01-06 14:35:08 UTC  


2019-01-06 14:37:15 UTC  

i used to be a titoist

2019-01-06 14:37:20 UTC  

but tito was a sellout

@Vines uh.... Vietnam was also kinda a good model of successful socialism.

2019-01-06 14:41:33 UTC  


2019-01-06 14:42:19 UTC  

well you cant fight the whole world being a small nation in asia

Uh.... they kinda bent to market capitalism but primarily to fund the socialist program. Unlike China which is blatantly corporatist but wearing a communist label

But at least Vietnam did a better job than China.

2019-01-06 14:43:38 UTC  

i can undertand why chinese started implementing capitalism back

2019-01-06 14:44:01 UTC  

they were large underdeveloped nation with poor industrial base

2019-01-06 14:44:48 UTC  

and relationships with their bigges ally just went to shit due to revision of Chruschev

2019-01-06 14:45:03 UTC  

so they were copletley alone

2019-01-06 14:46:05 UTC  

i think USSR could help them matreially if Beria could take the power

2019-01-06 15:12:13 UTC  

Could you explain how is thi-

2019-01-06 15:12:21 UTC  

Oh wait, you're mentioning under Ho.

2019-01-06 15:12:32 UTC  

not post-Ho, but nvm

@Vietnamese_Comrade at least Ho wasnt as stupid as Mao, genociding a whole species of bird because they eat the rice grains.

2019-01-06 15:18:07 UTC  

@Лт. Бакугоу Катсуки (казненный) yet people said he was allying the usa before the war...

2019-01-06 15:18:15 UTC  

and before the independence

And with the birds gone, the real culprit wreaked havoc: locusts.

Can't blame them.

2019-01-06 15:18:44 UTC  

i think that happend due to lack of education in china, he just saw the connection between birds and eated crops and made wrong assumption

And it was against fascism.

2019-01-06 15:19:40 UTC  

Basically japs were storming in and mao decided to unite with Gomindan to fight the japs

Comparing Ho to Mao is basically like comparing a man with eyes wide open and another being blindfolded, and tasked to slice a carrot.

Ho was educated as a Confucian thinker before attacted by Marxism; Mao was an ignorant redneck farmboy before engaging in politics.

2019-01-06 15:20:42 UTC  

@Vines after the war, mao decided to turn on KMT

2019-01-06 15:21:20 UTC  

i dont think that we should hate Mao, at least he addmited mistake ad did tried to fix it

Mao also had good stuff, but Ho improved on it.

2019-01-06 15:22:30 UTC  

but we all can agree that Pol Pot is a fucking idiot

Ла, товарищ. Да.