Message from @DA GOMMIE JOO
Discord ID: 531577575185842217
What for bitch?
That's a clit
Lmao what a virgin
His dick is not that big
wouldn't surprise me if 'murican schools teach that.
i need to check her twitter more
trans nazbol I guess
It won't respect you if you use those ponouns
Apparently it has a premium snap
Thats so gay that i will leave this shithole.
I request more pictures
leftists be like
People like the previous set
I call it an it to depreciate it's value
everyone is either fiercely hating them or talking about wanting to fuck them and my dick is incredibly confused
Well the Romans did like their gaysex
i have more trans fascists
I'm just confused in general
If you get gf and stop watching p🔯 rn you wouldn't be
porn separates you from the poison of w*men
i get all the good stuff none of the bad
only mental ill people get addicted to fucked up porn
fapping increases testosterone
builds muscle
How compatible is my mental illness with traditionalism?
If you throw him in the asylum maybe
strasserism is a dumb ideology