Message from @Adolf Hitler

Discord ID: 535489698274082826

2019-01-17 15:41:33 UTC  

into believing these are many groups when in reaity it is just one terrorist group) as rebels,revolutionaries,islamic state,al qaeda,etc .they have been known to do this type of thing of erasing the history of many things here are some examples .the wwe creating a wrestle group called thee nwo(nwo is an abbreviation it means new world order) and one of the effects this has is when someone is researching to see if the new world order is a real project by the elites they will get the search results about the wwe group called nwo .and we know the new world order or how i call it jew world order because its more accuarate is a real thing many presidents of the usa have talked about creating a new world order in their speeches and many elite jews have talked about it .then theres elon musks tesla company the effects are the same as the previous example .attempting to erase from history the name nikola tesla i dont know the term for this the closest thing i got was whitewashing .this is what they have done with this jew terrorist group by calling it isis ._.

2019-01-17 15:41:56 UTC  

Yea let me just read all that crazy and not stupid stuff right now

2019-01-17 15:45:00 UTC  

you can call them i.s.i.s .you can clearly see now that its an abbreviation

2019-01-17 15:46:11 UTC  

timestamp 54:00

2019-01-17 15:59:17 UTC  

a better article

2019-01-17 16:02:36 UTC  

although i dont believe that ancient egypt was a desert

Basically more like Babylon

Mesopotamia is also desert too.

2019-01-17 16:03:21 UTC  

water erosion on the sphinx suggests that there was a great flood

2019-01-17 16:03:36 UTC  

and that the ice age did indeed exist

@Adolf Hitler yeah. Kinda coincides with my theory.

2019-01-17 16:04:10 UTC  

the ice age could be a thing in the flat earth belief

Except that the biblical Great Flood for me might have been a tsunami or something.

2019-01-17 16:04:37 UTC  

its not just a thing that can only exist on a globe earth

@Adolf Hitler you also a flat-earther?

2019-01-17 16:04:47 UTC  

yeah but lets not talk about this

2019-01-17 16:04:52 UTC  

lets stick to the subject

2019-01-17 16:05:10 UTC  

flat earth huh?

Just confirming. Since you sound like one.

Plus considering that there are also tales of a big flood in other cultures, I think he has a point too.

2019-01-17 16:06:51 UTC  


In my interpretation, the Book of Revelation is just basically the Jew/Reptilian "How to take over the World for Dummies" blueprint.

It's not just a prophecy. It's a blueprint.

2019-01-17 16:08:17 UTC  

yeah theres many recorded stories of the great flood throughout many ancient civilizations

2019-01-17 16:08:45 UTC  

they were all really far apart physically

Like the Chinese tale of a mythical emperor stopping a giant flashflood, the Inca (?) tale of a llama having premontions of a flood....

Or the Babylonian lore about a gigantic flood...

Anyone here subscribe or buy into the Ancient Astronaut theory?

Since another hypothesis for a Great Flood might have been a meteor impact in an ocean.

Since there are also tales of lost continents like Mu, Atlantis, etc. But I won't delve that far.

Its just my point that huge chunks of dry land was obliterated by a giant lump of rock hitting Earth.

2019-01-17 16:22:48 UTC  

White people hate dark skinned people so much they would rather believe space aliens ruled ancient Egypt rather then think they could build something impressive

2019-01-17 16:41:03 UTC  


2019-01-17 16:46:02 UTC
The Federal Reserve conjuring money out of thin air and giving it to 'minorities' caused the 2008 financial crisis,
through "loan affirmative action", a.k.a. race-based wealth redistribution turbo-communist style.
This event was the greatest redistribution of wealth in history, along arbitrary racial lines at that, to the tune of about $50 TRILLION moved.
That much manipulation becomes meaningless in terms of dollars because that much money changes anything the manipulators want, it changes the meaning of the currency completely.
And they still keep doing it to this day, and have even expanded the scope of the loans beyond real estate to cars, or whatever else.
You can't call yourself 'informed' if you heard about this and didnt look into it, so watch the report in the link or admit you're totally ignorant about politics, business, and everything else.
Not only did this massive scam cause people with money they actually earned to lose their homes and cash because 'minorities' were driving up the prices with conjured money,
but they crashed the stock market further destroying the investments of hard working people who actually earned what they had.
In addition they took the opportunity to make more regulations to give them more power over the economy and propagate 'affirmative action' deeper into society.
If you wholeheartedly believe this was some kind of accident, that this wasn't planned from beginning to end, there's no other way to put it, you're a fucking retard.
Learn how the world really works. The central bank funnels money into businesses that help its social engineering agenda, and drives the rest out of business with bubbles, regulation, lawfare, etc.
They make sure that greed always works in their favor.
This will never end until we take up arms and depose the central bank; this time it will make the past communist death toll a drop in the ocean.