Message from @DA GOMMIE JOO
Discord ID: 541416010813538304
I doubt that
But ok
Ok dead end office job in Ukraine what about Western Europe?
what's been going on in western europe for the past two months now?
Nothing of consequence
"nothing of consequence"
Yellow vests are a blip
Not a worker army
a 12 week country-wide blip
It is though
Nobody will remember this
Why has nothing substantial happened
Weekend after weekend everyone shows up with a yellow vest shouting but nothing gets done
well the entire country is in chaos
The only way a revolution happens in any important country in this period is through a military coup
And the entire country is not in chaos because of protests in Paris
and let's not forget the actual occupation of land by anarchists: the ZAD
originally designed to stop an airport, now it's just a big middle finger to the police
French Soviet Republic
nobody can get rid of them? Why
Nobody can get rid of Christiania in Copenhagen either but that's because it's economically pointless because they're so irrelevant
@ACentralScrutinizer because they keep beating back the riot police each time
Why would the French call themselves Soviets
~~because "soviet" just means "worker council"~~
So basically the government hasn’t given a fuck enough to send troops out to force them out
It is the russian word for worker council
It’s not that “nobody” can get rid of them
Macron is scum but seeing his approval rating pretty much even with Le Pen is frightening.
intellectualy dishonest person detected
It's why no other communist country outside of Russia named themselves Soviets
Surely someone more competent will take over
Then both of those clowns
Why should I care about the Soviet republics of Hungary, Bavaria and Karelia-Finland?
And what did they call themselves?
So thick mate