Message from @|\\|!|-|!1|_||\\/|
Discord ID: 542549014994747395
@π₯πΊΓπ«π‘π²π―π€π²Γ°πΊπ₯ Virgin 8 chan
chad 4 chan
4chan = gay nazis
so is the rest of the world, what's your point?
Only america is good
oh no
it's retarded
hitler had to save their asses in africa
Hitler was shit.
Mussolini should have stayed neutral
then that says a lot about italy
Italy was not yet ready for war
germany was just going off invading random nations
G e r m a n y k n e w t h a t but did it anyways
itally just wasn't
mussolini said he could be ready by 1942
hitler started shit in 1939
Mussolini was one of the greatest men to ever live if hes shit lets be real we all are.
that's terrible logic and subjective as hell
m y o p i n i o n i s o b v i o u s l y f a c t u a l.
m y n a m e i s g l o r i a b o r g e r
a n d y o u r w a t c h i n g p e w n e w s
you must be an autist
no im a troll
There is a slight difference
you need to work on it
i know
But i am actually a classical fascist.
what are you?
I'm an agorist
uhh, I'llpass
@|\\|!|-|!1|_||\\/| Ur mom gay
no u
@Ryan Sentient NPC you are like cringiest edglord
bet you're an incel