Message from @Aleksandriax
Discord ID: 542719817791045647
bigger fail than operation barbarosa
was only 10
can you at least learn to script if you're going to raid?
you facked up my ram you bitch
my 200 tokens finna eat ur mf
frying ur ram u stupid niggers
fuck a yellowvest homo
fuck a antifa terrorist
# 🇺🇸
These people
need lives
they arent sending their best
ive seen butthurt trannies and furries have more impressive raids than that
I think they gave up
if we load 1000 bot tokens we can have a 10hr long spam
u mean
10 hr crash
unless u restart ur pc
or phone
then uninstall discord
I have a theory
NWH comeback 2k19?
been haxing the planet since 2010
stupid cringy raids
@|\\|!|-|!1|_||\\/| stupid libtards
Can we create fascism in america.