Message from @Overpaid
Discord ID: 542748528288596008
why are all of your memes from 2009?
did you just find the internet?
show me the way to porn
is this a halfchan server?
or zoomerchan?
or doomerchan?
<:an:312037610547707905> <:camila:312047906083569684>
I'm from lainchan.
that should explain a little bit
Untouchable is every teenage angst high school cliche in one package
rawr means i love you in dinosaur xD
and mine?
I'm a 45 yr old grandmother
45 and a grandmother, sounds about right.
Soon youll have 4 generations living in the same trailer park
what about my name?
I do not live in a trailer you fuck
What about your name?
idk, judge it
LOL all of the images have Facebook filenames
absolute state of halfchan
@|\\|!|-|!1|_||\\/| I didnt judge her name, I judged her shitty jokes and memes from over a decade ago.
Well I am 4 decades old
I doubt you are over 16
if you are actually 45 and have this mentality then i feel sorry for your family
im sure by grandmother you mean you're into your 2nd generation of cats
Austria is italian clay