Message from @Ditzy Doo

Discord ID: 549689950099210283

2019-02-25 20:26:34 UTC  

After all they are the ones who run the things and are able to do so.

2019-02-25 20:26:57 UTC  

Past that, the strategies regarding other races will depend upon circumstance.

2019-02-25 20:27:24 UTC  

However; I want Jews out of North America. The majority of them, that is. Those that still retain any form of Jewish identity & culture.

2019-02-25 20:27:57 UTC  

They are basically the ones against identity politics while being the worst offenders of it.

2019-02-25 20:28:02 UTC  

"Die for israel."

2019-02-25 20:28:12 UTC  

Africans should probably be granted their own independent state. An alliance with African Nationalists wouldn't hurt in the coming partition.

2019-02-25 20:28:13 UTC  

Not to mention 500% overrepresentation.

2019-02-25 20:28:20 UTC  

We can't allow for a down-up partition- By the way.

2019-02-25 20:28:24 UTC  

It would be too bloody.

2019-02-25 20:28:45 UTC  

If we will divide the country; the state apparatus needs to be harnessed.

2019-02-25 20:29:39 UTC  

Ameridians can be granted the protections of citizenship or the position as foreign citizens of their respective Ameridian nations.

2019-02-25 20:29:51 UTC  

Whose territory would be treated like independent states. Much like today.

2019-02-25 20:30:01 UTC  

I agree.

2019-02-25 20:30:14 UTC  

Btw, what ideology do you go by?

2019-02-25 20:30:18 UTC  


2019-02-25 20:30:22 UTC  


2019-02-25 20:30:23 UTC  

Social Nationalism

2019-02-25 20:30:29 UTC  

Ah alright.

2019-02-25 20:30:58 UTC  

Im a national communist.

2019-02-25 20:31:04 UTC  

Not to be confused with nazbols.

2019-02-25 20:31:36 UTC  

Mind explaining to me what you mean?

2019-02-25 20:32:53 UTC  

I think that marxism outlived its usefulness, that it was only the fundation for an ideology that must be built by the people of a certain nation that must take into consideration their geopolitics, ethnicity, and own needs.

2019-02-25 20:33:35 UTC  

Something like Juche, Maoism, Stalinism etc.

2019-02-25 20:34:33 UTC  

Socialism in one country, socialist patriotism, war economy, ethnic nationalism, collectivism.

2019-02-25 20:36:23 UTC  

War economy?

2019-02-25 20:36:34 UTC  

As in songun policy.

2019-02-25 20:37:29 UTC  

A country needs a strong military, and its people to bring to its development to be truly independent and resist outer influences and dangers as well to protect its independence and be unique in the world.

2019-02-25 20:38:04 UTC  

America isn't under perpetual war economy.

2019-02-25 20:38:11 UTC  

Unless you mean what America *does* have.

2019-02-25 20:38:29 UTC  

Yet it has one of the greatest militaries in the world.

2019-02-25 20:38:45 UTC  

Think of as in preventing others from posing threat to us and protecting our independence as well bringing discipline and other noble things from the military to the people.

2019-02-25 20:39:48 UTC  

American military was built through ages and its in eternal state of warfare not only to "train" its military but to protect its globalist interest and keep steady supply of profit based on the wars they are involved with.

2019-02-25 20:40:14 UTC  

Meme moments

2019-02-25 20:41:04 UTC  

American military needs to be prepared because it relies on war to sustain itself, it relies on expansionism and it relies on capitalism and globalism.

2019-02-25 20:41:53 UTC  

Beside fearing nations that are on the same military level as them.

2019-02-25 20:42:17 UTC  

That's kind of circular thinking isn't it

2019-02-25 20:42:42 UTC  

Thats how mafia works.

2019-02-25 20:42:53 UTC  


2019-02-25 20:43:07 UTC  

Lvl 5 USA Gook VS Lvl 100 Syrian Army Boss

2019-02-25 20:43:28 UTC  

Barrel bombs are the future of warfare.

2019-02-25 20:44:28 UTC  

Bombing my own infrastructure seems like a surefire way to secure independence and national popularity