Message from @Sado

Discord ID: 555505675107696662

2019-03-13 21:22:18 UTC

2019-03-13 21:22:25 UTC

2019-03-13 21:28:44 UTC  

@Offender Increased wages do not increase prices

2019-03-13 21:29:21 UTC  

Marx wrote a whole book on this, Value, Price and Profit

2019-03-13 21:30:57 UTC  

Offender's argument rested, in fact, upon two premises: firstly, the amount of national production is a fixed thing, a constant quantity or magnitude, as the mathematicians would say; secondly, that the amount of real wages, that is to say, of wages as measured by the quantity of the commodities they can buy, is a fixed amount, a constant magnitude.

2019-03-13 21:32:09 UTC  

Now, his first assertion is evidently erroneous. Year after year you will find that the value and mass of production increase, that the productive powers of the national labour increase, and that the amount of money necessary to circulate this increasing production continuously changes. What is true at the end of the year, and for different years compared with each other, is true for every average day of the year. The amount or magnitude of national production changes continuously. It is not a constant but a variable magnitude, and apart from changes in population it must be so, because of the continuous change in the accumulation of capital and the productive powers of labour. It is perfectly true that if a rise in the general rate of wages should take place today, that rise, whatever its ulterior effects might be, would, by itself, not immediately change the amount of production. It would, in the first instance, proceed from the existing state of things. But if before the rise of wages the national production was variable, and not fixed, it will continue to be variable and not fixed after the rise of wages.

2019-03-13 21:32:36 UTC

2019-03-13 21:33:10 UTC  

But suppose the amount of national production to be constant instead of variable. Even then, what our friend Offender considers a logical conclusion would still remain a gratuitous assertion. If I have a given number, say eight, the absolute limits of this number do not prevent its parts from changing their relative limits. If profits were six and wages two, wages might increase to six and profits decrease to two, and still the total amount remain eight. The fixed amount of production would by no means prove the fixed amount of wages. How then does our friend Offender prove this fixity? By asserting it.

2019-03-13 21:35:36 UTC  

But even conceding him his assertion, it would cut both ways, while he presses it only in one direction. If the amount of wages is a constant magnitude, then it can be neither increased nor diminished. If then, in enforcing a temporary rise of wages, the working men act foolishly, the capitalists, in enforcing a temporary fall of wages, would act not less foolishly. Our friend Offender does not deny that, under certain circumstances, the working men can enforce a rise of wages, but their amount being naturally fixed, there must follow a reaction. On the other hand, he knows also that the capitalists can enforce a fall of wages, and, indeed, continuously try to enforce it. According to the principle of the constancy of wages, a reaction ought to follow in this case not less than in the former.

2019-03-13 21:35:41 UTC  

The working men, therefore, reacting against the attempt at, or the act of, lowering wages, would act rightly. They would, therefore, act rightly in enforcing a rise of wages, because every reaction against the lowering of wages is an action for raising wages. According to Citizen Offender's own principle of the constancy of wages, the working men ought, therefore, under certain circumstances, to combine and struggle for a rise of wages. If he denies this conclusion, he must give up the premise from which it flows. He must not say that the amount of wages is a constant quantity, but that, although it cannot and must not rise, it can and must fall, whenever capital pleases to lower it. If the capitalist pleases to feed you upon potatoes instead of upon meat, and upon oats instead of upon wheat, you must accept his will as a law of political economy, and submit to it. If in one country the rate of wages is higher than in another, in the United States, for example, than in England, you must explain this difference in the rate of wages by a difference between the will of the American capitalist and the will of the English capitalist, a method which would certainly very much simplify, not only the study of economic phenomena, but of all other phenomena.

2019-03-13 21:36:49 UTC  

Woah nigga

2019-03-13 21:36:52 UTC  

Borzo you should stop writing in discord and start writing a book because holy shit that looks interesting

2019-03-13 21:37:14 UTC  

@Stalin I'm just quoting Marx man, currently reading the book

2019-03-13 21:37:23 UTC  

Book name?

2019-03-13 21:37:43 UTC  

But because Offender is literally making the same argument that Marx argued against, it is extremely relevant

2019-03-13 21:38:48 UTC  

Thanks m8 I am definitely reading this in my free time

2019-03-13 21:39:37 UTC  


2019-03-13 21:40:31 UTC  

Got a hard copy too

2019-03-13 21:41:00 UTC  


2019-03-13 21:41:13 UTC  

>not in german/russian

2019-03-13 21:41:24 UTC  

Or at least chinese ffs

2019-03-13 21:41:49 UTC  

>Modern Chinese big revisionist though

2019-03-13 21:42:16 UTC  

The book is probably made in china tbh

2019-03-13 21:42:27 UTC  


2019-03-13 21:42:36 UTC  

>hurr china capitalist lets oppose it durr

2019-03-13 21:42:53 UTC  

What's wrong with that?

2019-03-13 21:43:20 UTC  

The goal, of communism is the abolition of ruling class and the class status

2019-03-13 21:43:32 UTC  

Most chinese copies are strongly edited tbh

2019-03-13 21:43:32 UTC  


2019-03-13 21:43:38 UTC  

China has a neo-fascist economy with just a marxian culture

2019-03-13 21:44:03 UTC  

yea oppose china

2019-03-13 21:44:06 UTC  


2019-03-13 21:44:17 UTC  

Plot twist, russia is actually going to be a SR but its waiting to china to be superpower

2019-03-13 21:44:39 UTC  

Fucking dumbass hows china fascist in any way

2019-03-13 21:44:43 UTC  

Do the “Stop Sado” challenge!
Everytime Sado post an image of a minor or Anime post any Soviet propaganda!

2019-03-13 21:45:03 UTC  

Tsar Putin must be overthrown

2019-03-13 21:45:09 UTC  


2019-03-13 21:45:18 UTC  

Putin is our next Stalin mates

2019-03-13 21:45:28 UTC  

@Parasitaxus cappie copy

2019-03-13 21:45:43 UTC  

>America big globalist