Message from @INNYGMATYK
Discord ID: 659925479264092161
I just started playing oblivion
How sharp do you like your cheese? I like mine tongue curling. Like a week old yeast infection
Sharp cheese no good
My bois baloo and sojo
And one of my rabbits
All passed away now all very good bois
Sorry to hear that
Baloo's a great name tho
I like it
Ya he was a great pup aswell
Which one is baloo
Top one
Cute boi
F for the gorgeous good bois.
a fat choccy for you, King
At Least it isn't in a fucking bag eh
She growls at the door bell
She looks like a khajit. I mean it in the nicest way
She has no wares even if you have coin
putting milk in a bag is for the master race only
Who tf drinks milk?
I really miss this little negro
He a good boi
@mcguyver123 no, ive got 6 of my own though
Thatxguinea pig photo