Message from @NovaSoldier
Discord ID: 658487241651388447
Mistakes were made
Thats lame
Arent laws against federal law nul and void tho?
@NovaSoldier I mean...if no one acknowledges them and if the balkanization effectively splits the states and feds, its be cool to see feds arrested by local governments as invaders
How so? At the end of stoey feds are the garant of federal law
@NovaSoldier what I'm saying if enough people stop playing the game, the game is no longer played. Trackin?
It's kinda ehhh, because look at medical/rec marijuana laws. Sure it's still federally illegal, but at the same time most states have legalized it so to try and take someone in on a charge for it (if they're in the legal boundaries) is redundant as the charges wouldn't stick
Dont know
Based christian chad
this should go as a set