Message from @jaruspk
Discord ID: 658609425262837760
@mcguyver123 depends on what you're running, iron or a sight of some sort. It ain't much different than running with an ar platform
@Hellhound6 I guess I'll be investing in a red dot
So my next upper receiver for my AR is ordered, I have an acog with canter irons on my 300 black out barrel and I’m thinking of getting a red dot for the new one ( it’s a 5.56 ) question I have is should I move the acog because I believe the 5.56 is better over distance
@Existance is pain depends what the 300 is for vs the 556.
556 will fly better
Opinions on spending the money on a 40mm.
Why not
I mean Id ask if you'd need any other important gear. If not, flex on them poors
@Trash Squid based
@thedarkness05 I've got most angles covered. A can would be cheaper but lobbing chalk into a window target sounds satisfying
Then do it homie. Go big or go home
Yeah dawg that's not even a question to me.
g e t i t .
Tax time will tell but I've had a bone for one since I've watched a video on beehive rounds and learned chalk rounds are available.
State mandated berettas when?
tha fuckk
Underfolder gang
pp-19 make my pp hard
I do prefer side folder tbh. They seem a lot comfier than UF
Side folder master race
Shit pic of my poor boy ak
ok i need ak in 556 that wont fuck up my bank like radom
Dude. Get 762x39 and some sweet sweet 8m3/8v3
dude here is the deal it must be in 5.56
@mcguyver123 5.45 or 7.62?
@Hellhound6 545 is based also but stockpiles are gonna have to be high
Jarusp. If you must
I'd go with 7.62. Much easier to find stateside than 5.45
But I do have a 5.56 kalash
Whats this side/underfolder shit? Ugg boot or nothin
Cant hide money