Message from @INNYGMATYK
Discord ID: 637313231043559447
Feel free to fire away with you're best n cringiest 3per memes
Have some self respect
I'm in too deep now bruh. Joined up years ago and somehow ended up in a leader role. I never asked for this
I was hoping to dip after a year or two, but I'm actually running my section pretty tight. Cant say the same for the rest of the State/group
Fuck em
When they get got, that's on them
Truth. Although it is nice to actually get some of that 10% out and doing stuff
Hiw many of those boog boi classes were actually made?
. . . If everyone is my friend lmao.
this is the bottom of a roomba
we somehow fuck with the camera/programming to adjust for height angle
beef up the stove
and then redo the drive to be connected to RC truck wheels or somethin
I'm 85% certain they steer like treads though (one wheel back, the other forward, etc)
Weaponized roombas when
I was thinking on this old show I saw
and it featured roach-controlled robots
roaches scatter from light
a small harness/hookup locks them to a mouse-ball
and sensors around the bot detect obstacles, and display them as bright light on a light panel in front of the roach
unobscured ground is left dark, so the roach heads for it
hard to program it ""which way to prefer"' (albeit, just plug in a GPS nav and train the comp to ONLY show the fastest route as ""dark"') and you'd want a light panel that can do gradients too, probably
then it's food and other logistics from there